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COURTNEY LOVED CHILDREN, so seeing five newborns being brought into the world made the girl smile and feel warm inside

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COURTNEY LOVED CHILDREN, so seeing five newborns being brought into the world made the girl smile and feel warm inside. Even though Courtney didn't have a quint to take care of on her own, she wasn't upset nor angry. Honestly, she didn't even care, because she was kind of the butterfly of the group: flying from one person in need to another. She liked helping everybody and didn't back down when another intern needed help. With all of the quints born, the crowd in the operation room started thinning. Courtney stayed behind to watch the rest of the surgery and assist when necessary, which was something that Addison really appreciated.

Her happy mood didn't stay for very long, since drama slithered its way into her group of friends and colleagues. Right when she had exited the operating room, she was shocked to hear that Alex and Izzie had broken up. To Courtney it had seemed like the two of them were on cloud nine, but apparently she had been wrong. Some of the doctors and nurses were gossiping – like they always did – about the break up after hearing it from Izzie herself.

Courtney had already noticed the hostile tension between the two, when Alex had arrived in the O.R late. She didn't know what it was about and couldn't ask what the problem was since the surgery had already started. She had thought that there might have been a little misunderstanding that could be fixed. Currently, she was eavesdropping on the conversation about the break-up and her expression changed from drastically when she heard these following words:

Alex had cheated on Izzie with Olivia.

Courtney gritted her teeth in frustration and shook her head in disbelief. She was pissed at Alex, actually more disappointed than anything. She had helped him to make Izzie believe that he was a decent guy, that he was a man capable of not being a grade A asshole. Then he pulled something like this? Cheating? That wasn't the Alex Karev she knew. Alex was a player, sure, but she had never see him as a cheater, never.

Still shocked about the revelation, she walked away from the gossipers and to the NICU ward, where the others were. She was about to enter, when someone pulled her away from the door by her arm. Courtney glanced at the person and sighed after seeing that it was Alex. "Courtney? Can we talk? Please?" She didn't reply and refused to look him in the eyes. "You're mad at me as well, huh?"

"Yeah, no shit, Sherlock!" Courtney raised her voice, alerting people who walked by. She shot them a glare and they quickly scattered away. "What the hell, Alex! You cheated on Izzie!? I thought that everything was going in the right direction for the two of you, but then I hear from these random people that I don't even know that you cheated? What even possessed you to think that cheating was okay and something that you should do? And why, why did you cheat?" Alex mumbled something. "Excuse me, what?"

"I was having problems in the b—"

"Alex! What the hell? Don't tell me you're serious! Are you a complete moron? Why couldn't you just talk about it with her? A relationship is not all about sex, you know. Talking to each other is a big part of it. Without talking or sharing how you feel, a relationship isn't gonna last long. I get that expressing your feelings might not always be as easy. I get that, I really do. I rarely tell the people I care a lot about how I really feel and bottle up all those emotions. Then I snap and do stupid things or lose important opportunities, because I was too afraid to say something. Communication is key, my friend,"

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