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THE NURSES WERE protesting at Seattle Grace Hospital

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THE NURSES WERE protesting at Seattle Grace Hospital. They had formed a picket line in front of their workplace and held up various protesting signs. The recent changed had caused unhappiness and problems with the nurses. They had to work even more than before, but instead of getting payed more for working more, their wages stayed the same. Ten days ago, they had decided that they were going on a strike and that day the day had finally come. George, Izzie and Courtney were standing in front of the hospital entrance at the end of a picket line, watching the protest and not knowing what to do.

"What do you think they are going to do if we try to enter the hospital? They looked seriously pissed off and ready to throw fruit or something at people who cross. I don't mean to be a bitch, but if they do throw, I hope not at my face, because I just washed my hair this morning." Courtney said to her two roommates standing next to her. Meredith hadn't gone with them, since she wanted to visit their mother that morning. Normally, Courtney would tag along, but since she had visited her mother the day before, it seemed a bit silly to go again.

"Can't, can't cross the picket line. I can't." George stuttered as he looked at the group of angry nurses. Anyone could tell from the look on his face that the man was afraid.

"I don't like it either George, but what choice to we have? Okay, you took an oath to heal! You're a healer!" Izzie chimed in, her eyes wide at the sight of the signs and yelling.

"Dad's a truck driver. Mom's a teacher. The evening news shows me crossing the picket line ... they'll outlive me just to pee on my grave." Izzie and Courtney shot George a weird look. He could say the weirdest things when he was nervous or scared (in that case, it was both).

"Look, George, you can't just abandon your responsibilities, because you're afraid. People in that hospital need us, so get a grip and walk through there like a man." Courtney tried to encourage him, but he shook his head – repeating the words I can't.

Cristina walked up to them and threw her arms over Izzie and George's shoulders. The latter one quickly pushed Cristina's arm away. "Has there been any blood yet? I bet they brought in scab nurses."

"I think the nurses know that we are on their side." Izzie tried to think on the positive side with a smile. However, right after she uttered that sentence, they heard someone yell don't cross the line. Looked like Izzie was wrong and they really weren't welcome. "Don't they?"

"At first, I thought they knew. However, seeing them now, I'm not so sure." Courtney said as she fidgeted with the sleeve of her black trench coat. She glanced at the crowd, hoping to see her friend, Valerie. She really hoped that she wasn't mad at her or thought that she didn't respect the nurses. No matter how much she cared about her friend, she couldn't exactly keep standing out here, because the people inside really needed her help.

"Well, we're doctors. We have sick patients inside. We have surgeries."

"Okay. ... Then you go first." Izzie replied to Cristina and pointed at the path in front of them. She took a step to the side to make place for Cristina to walk through and face the crowd of angry nurses.

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