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COURTNEY'S LIFE WAS A BIG MESS. Things seemed to be getting worse and worse. Every time that she thought that, maybe, her life would turn around in the good sense, something happened that pushed her right back to that dark spot. At least to her, barely anything good seemed to happen in her life. It was a constant repeat of tragedy – resting period – tragedy. It wouldn't stop. At first it had been her almost being killed by a bomb, then she found out that her father had a new family, then it was the whole Denny situation and after that it was her basically walking in on Callie and Mark Sloan, which she had to keep a secret from one of her friends. What was next? She didn't know if she could take anymore. It was slowly taking a toll on her. People's limits weren't limitless and Courtney was this close to falling off the rails.

The list of people that she talked to was shrinking by the day. After Courtney had spilled everything to her sister, while Meredith had been high on pain killers, she had been avoiding her ever since. Courtney knew that her sister couldn't remember what she had told her, but that didn't mean that the blonde didn't know. Whenever she had been around her sister, she had felt a bit awkward, so she thought that it would be better if she avoided conversation all together or keep it extremely short. The eldest one had no idea what was going on with her younger sister and was confused to say the least. Although she wanted to know, she had decided to let it go. She didn't want to push Courtney and figured that she would come to her whenever the time was right.

Patience was a real powerful thing.

Meredith wasn't the only one that Courtney was ignoring like they were the pest. George was the other unlucky one. During that one bad and rainy night, Courtney had promised to Callie that she wouldn't say a word to George about the girl's bedroom adventure with Seattle Grace's newest plastic surgeon. Even though Courtney had known George longer than she had Callie, she was closer with the latter one, who barely had anybody. So, with a heavy heart, she had agreed to keep her mouth shut. She thought that she would okay, keeping that secret, but she really wasn't. Every time she saw George, she felt guilty and upset. To keep herself from falling apart due to all the guilt, she thought it was best to ignore him and avoid any conversation with him. It made her feel the tiniest bit better that she didn't have to see him so close.

Did the world honestly think that she didn't have enough things to feel guilty about? That her life wasn't messed up enough? The nightmares still hadn't disappeared and that sick feeling in her stomach was still there, making her feel worse as the days dragged on. She was drinking an unhealthy amount of coffee to keep her sleep-derived-self awake during the day, because those barely three hours of sleep at night didn't do anything. She was surprised that her bed hadn't broken yet with all the tossing and turning that she had done.

So, yeah, life was one big mess for the youngest Grey. That morning Courtney even had to skip out on this perfect breakfast that Izzie had been preparing, because she had been too scared to face anyone in that room. It had looked so good from what she had seen while silently making her way over to the door. There had been juice, pancakes and many more delicious things, but she couldn't enjoy any of that. Instead of some fancy breakfast, she had to enjoy coffee from the cart, some granola bar and an apple, after having arrived at work.

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