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COURTNEY WAS UP early. How she had been able to wake up before her alarm clock, she had no idea. Already in her work-out gear (which she had bought the day before), she sat at the edge of her bed, tying the laces of her white running shoes when her alarm finally went off. She quickly got up to stop her alarm. Ever since she had to lift the tumor of one of the patients for more than 12 hours together with George and Cristina, she had been thinking of starting to jog, but hadn't had time yet or had been too tired. With a deep sigh, she grabbed her iPod and headphones off of her nightstand before quietly exiting her bedroom, not wanting to wake up her roommates – who were still fast asleep.

She snuck downstairs, cringing when a loose floor board made a creaking noise. The blonde girl felt like she was a teenage again, trying to sneak out to meet her boyfriend who her mother didn't approve of. She yanked her green jacket off of the coat rack and put it on, praying that it was warmer than she thought. She walked towards the door, looked behind her one more time, before finally going outdoors. Playing with her keys in her hand, she strolled towards her black Toyota and quickly opened her car door. The blonde started her car and drove out of the drive way, while jamming along to the music that was playing on the radio.

After driving for about twenty minutes, she arrived at her destination – a nearby park. There was still lots of parking space, since only one spot was being used by small, red car. She turned off the ignition and got out of the car, taking a deep breath of the fresh air. Courtney removed her jacket, throwing it on the backseat, and locked her car. With music blasting through her headphones, she started jogging, feeling relieved already. Her shoes left a print in the mushy, green grass.

Whenever she had been in a bad mood or felt upset, Courtney used to go jogging. Feeling the breeze in her face, calmed her down and made her feel at ease. In high school, she even did track, which wasn't something that her mother supported. Courtney however didn't care. For once, she chose something that she wanted to do and didn't care about her mother's opinions. She did championships with her high school, but only Meredith showed up, never Ellis.

Humming along 'Dancing Queen' from Abba, she moved farther and farther into the quiet park. The quietness, however, was quickly disturbed by a female voice yelling the word shit repeatedly. Courtney raised her eyebrows, hoping that the woman was alright. In the distance, she saw a brunette woman sitting on a bench, holding her right foot. Courtney sucked in her breath, before speeding up and running towards the stranger in pain.

"Hey, what happened?" Courtney asked, concerned, with her hands on her hips. She had already paused the music and removed her headphones.

"I tried to be sportsmanlike." The brunette laughed trough her pain. "I made a promise to myself that I would start doing something sporty, but maybe it was a bad idea. I even woke up early for this and what do I get? Possibly a broken foot. I had been so into the jogging, which surprised me, and hadn't noticed the tree stump over there. I fell over it like the clutz I am."

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