Chapter 2 (Edited)

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I ran all the way home after school. I wanted to get to my room and take care of my busted lip and black eye before I was seen or the other teens got home.

I opened the door and took a deep breath of air, gulping it down as if it was life itself. My glasses were falling apart, but I didn't care since I had two extra pairs.

I shook my head, clearing me from my thoughts before I started to take the stairs to go to my room on the second floor. I hadn't heard anyone, so I thought I had it easy. No one knew what had happened to me, and I wasn't going to tell anyone.

"Hold it, Sam," a male said. Power came from the person, so I knew that it was Alpha Ryker. There was a frown and then amusement in his voice. "Come here for a minute, will you?"

I bit back a groan, knowing that I was a little too late to make a dash for my room. "Yes, Alpha," I said, turning around to see him and then the school's slut, Amanda Deville standing beside him, her broken nose visible.

A small bit of pride filled my system when I saw that it was broken, and I had to hold back a smirk, even though my lip twitched a little. Amanda had been my worst tormentor for high school, and I showed her what I could do, even if it meant me being beaten harder than I normally was.

Alpha Ryker caught sight of my broken glasses, and he had to hold back a smile, masking it with a scowl. I could see knowledge in his eyes, and I knew that he knew what had happened. "Did you break her nose, Sam?" he asked. Amusement filled his voice, causing Amanda to scoff and pout.

"Yes, Alpha," I replied, trying to fix my glasses, so I could see him kind of clearly. My head started to pound, since I couldn't really see. There was a strain on my eyesight, and it was driving me crazy.

The scowl on his face flickered, as if he was trying not to smile or smirk. He cocked his head, studying me, trying to see if there was a reason on why I had done what I had done. He probably was wondering if I would tell him what had happened. "Is there a reason on why you would do it?" He raised an eyebrow.

I looked down, gritting my teeth together. I saw the look Amanda had given me, letting me know that I couldn't tell him on what had happened between me and her. An image of her sneering down at me while I picked up my books appeared in my mind, making me want to shake my head. "No, Alpha," I replied through gritted teeth. I didn't shake my head like I wanted to. "I had no reason to hit her."

Alpha Ryker made a tsking sound in the back of his throat. He knew that I was lying to him. However, he didn't push it, but I knew that he would try and see why I wouldn't have told him. "For two weeks, you are to report to your room after school and stay up there until dinner which you will help cook. Is that clear?"

"But, Alpha," a nasally voice said. It was Amanda. "She punched me. Why is she getting off so easy?"

"Sam is 5'2 while you are almost 5'9. She can't reach that high, so that means you had to have done something to her. Judging by her glasses, I say it was you that had broken them. On that note, your punishment is to wash and dry the dishes, breakfast, lunch, and dinner for two weeks. If you don't do them right the first time, then you will do them again."

"Will I get any help?" she asked. There was a bit of hope in her voice, and I knew that she would try to get them to do the dishes instead of her.

"Calamity will watch you do them to make sure that you do them correctly. She will not help you. You will be on your own with washing and drying the dishes."

Amanda's jaw drop. Shock filled her eyes, while she looked at him. She was surprised that he was actually going to let her do the dishes by herself. That meant a lot of dishes to do tonight, since it was both mine and Tommy's birthday, and we would be shifting into wolf form for the first time. "Bu-"

"No buts. Do you both understand your punishments?"

"Yes, Alpha," we said in unison.

"Good, now you may be on your way, Amanda."

Amanda huffed and stormed up the stairs, almost making me fall down them when she pushed against me. "Bitch," she muttered under her breath, making me roll my eyes.

Alpha Ryker raised an eyebrow as she disappeared over the ledge before looking at me. There was a smile on his face, as if he was totally amused with this whole situation. "Care to explain?" he asked.

I shook my head, no. I didn't want to risk going into details and getting risked having to wear my lunch home the next day. "Just know that she leaned down after breaking my glasses in front of me, and I was so sick and tired of feeling like crap and being humiliated by her. I used the base of my palm and broke her nose." I grimaced, touching my busted lip. "Her "buddy" gave me a black eye and busted my lip."

Alpha Ryker snorted and shook his head, a smile clearly visible on his face. "Go and get fixed up. Calamity will be there to take you out of your room, so you can help with dinner in an hour or so."

I nodded my head towards him before I scampered away. I knew that it was time for me to go, and I couldn't help but grin a little. It had felt really good to be able to break Amanda's nose. Sure, I had to pay the price of getting a black eye and busted lip, but it sure was worth it.

Accept Me or Reject Me. You Can't Do Both. (First book) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now