Chapter 19 (Edited)

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A/N: Question, who likes me putting questions at the beginning of each book?

Enjoy. :3


Padded concrete, that was where Uncle Ryker lead us. It was a dungeon filled with pads and concrete, and it smelt like bleach which didn't appeal to me that well.

"This is freaky," Jack mumbled, stepping forward and moving a bit in front of me. He looked around, his whole body tense and alert. His nose moved a bit while he tried to get a scent to make sure that we were the only ones in here.

"All we need is a straight jacket, and we can lock you in here for a little while," I replied, glancing around. I hated this place. I couldn't feel the fresh air around me and there were no windows in this closed off room.

"I don't want to go through that again," Jack grunted, shaking the memory from his brain. "I have no idea why Garrett thought it would be fun to be a psychotic doctor with you in a straight jacket."

I smirked. "Hey, you wanted to see what we were going to be as for Halloween. Both of us wanted to see if we couldn't win the scary dressed couple costume."

"But, you aren't dating, right?" Uncle Ryker asked, raising an eyebrow.

I shook my head. "In the words of Garrett, "you are not my type"," I said, mimicking Garrett's voice.

"Which means in Garrett language, she is not hot," Jack added.

"Thank you!" I exclaimed. "That is what I said."

"If they are like your brothers and consider you as there sister, then why do you want to be considered hot by them?"

I shrugged, not really wanting to tell him that I still had self-body issues even with all the workout I had done. "Why not?" I asked, gesturing myself up and down. "I worked hard for this body."

"I am your father-figure," Uncle Ryker said. "I will not think of you like that." He smirked. "'Sides, I'm happily mated with the love of my life and get stuff from her." He wiggled his eyebrows, causing me to wrinkle my nose.

"TMI," I grumbled, not really wanting to know about my adopted parent's sex life. I looked around, trying to see if there was a place that I could change into my Wolf form. I was not really comfortable with changing in front of others. "Where can I change?" I asked.

Uncle Ryker pointed to a part of the wall. "You can push that out of the way and change in there."

I raised an eyebrow and moved to where he was pointing? "Here?" I asked. "Ok, if you say so." I placed my hand on the wall and pushed it. "Holy shit!" I exclaimed when I saw that the wall move to show a bathroom.

Uncle Ryker smirked. "Told you," he said, causing me to roll my eyes. He shooed me into the bathroom. "Now go, I want to see your wolf."

I rolled my eyes and closed the door before starting to take off my clothes. I was nervous. I had never showed my wolf to my Uncle, and I didn't know how he would react. I took a deep breath before shifting into my wolf form. I looked at the door and frowned, not really knowing how I was going to get out of here. 'Hey, Jack,' I linked him.

'Ya?' Jack asked.

'Can you open the bathroom door please?'


I growled a warning, flicking my tail in irritation. 'Do you want me to hit you with toliet water?' I warned, causing him to snort.

'That is just disgusting,' he said opening the door. "Get oooooff," he complained when I jumped on him and started to lick his face. "Your breath stinks."

Uncle Ryker chuckled, causing me to look at him. Tears were in his eyes and that caused me to hop off of Jack and walk over to him. He scratched me behind the ear, causing me to lean into his scratch. "Your parents would've been so proud of you."

I licked his hand in thanks. 'Tell him we should probably get up. I think that Cel is looking for me.'

'WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU TWO?! DID YOU TWO DIE!' Cel yelled, frantically.

I winced and shrunk back at the yelling in my head.

"Damn it, Sam," Jack said, rubbing his ears. "How did you know that she would do that?"

'Relax, Cel, we are fine,' I said, shaking my head to stop the ringing in my ears. 'You don't have to yell.'

'Where are you?' Cel asked.

'Nunya. Just meet us in my room.' I licked my uncle's hand and before going back into the bathroom with Jack closing the bathroom door. I shifted into my human form and changed quickly. 'We are in a meeting with Uncle Ryker.'

'And we are fine as Sam had said,' Jack said. 'We will see you later.'

Cel huffed. 'Fine. I want to get ice cream. Sam, we will get you some one.'

I grumbled out in annoyance while I walked out of the bathroom. "Well, we are being called on," I said to Uncle Ryker who was looking rather confused. "Cel was scared that we have been killed."

"Well, I guess we will see you fight later," Uncle Ryker said. "I want to see you fight in Werewolf form."

I looked at Jack and smirked. "Ready to get your ass kicked?"

"I'm sure that it will be yours kicked now," Jack said. "Now, come on let's go." He moved a hand through my hair, causing me to smack him across the back of the head. He just laughed and walked to the entrance with both my uncle and I following him.  

Accept Me or Reject Me. You Can't Do Both. (First book) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now