Extra #1- I Promise to Protect You- Thomas's POV

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A/N: This is a three part thing. I'm just going to post them one at a time when I finish them. I'll try to do the other one later. I still have math to do. Oh, the fun. v.v Anyways, this is part of the plot twist that I was talking about. xD

This will help explain some of the second book...


(Age 7 and a dream)

"Come on, Sam!" I exclaimed, coming up a mountain to go to our favorite place. "We are almost to the top!" I grabbed hold of some rocks and pulled myself up. I looked down to see my best friend struggling and trying to reach a rock.

She was so pretty trying to reach for that rock, sticking her tongue out in determination. "I'm trying," she groaned out with a huff.

I rolled my eyes and went back down to where she was struggling. "Try harder," I said, helping her get to the flat rock. I grunted, trying to push her up. "You are so short."

"Shush," she mumbled, finally able to get to the top with my help. She turned around to face me and watched as I pulled myself up, glaring because I didn't need help. "Stupid tall people," she muttered while I laid flat on back breathing heavily.

I groaned and clutched my stomach when Sam punched me, even though it didn't hurt. "What was that for?" I asked, squeezing my eyes shut in mock pain.

"Stop mocking me," she mumbled, and I knew she was rolling her eyes at me. "I didn't hit you that hard."

I sat up and grinned at her. "You're right. You can't hit hard."

"Stop being a butthead," she scoffed, shoving my shoulder playfully.

"Do you mean asshole?" I asked, causing her to wrinkle her nose and shake her head.

"No," she said. "Unc- uh... I mean Alpha Ryker said that that was as bad word. We can't say bad words."

I frowned when she didn't call my dad Uncle Ryker but Alpha Ryker. Something happened to her. I did not know what, and I didn't like it. I looked at her before shaking my head and moving close to her. I placed my head on her shoulder, and she placed her head on mine as we watched the moon rise.

"Do you think I'll have a mate?" she asked, lifting her head up to look at me.

I turned to look at her and nodded my head. "Yes," I said. I took her hand and squeezed it. "I think he'll think you are beautiful."

Sam looked away from me and cleared her throat, and I knew that she was blushing.

I knew that she didn't think that she was beautiful, but I did. I thought she was the most beautiful person on this planet. I didn't think Amanda was beautiful, even though she was what people called beautiful.

Mommy and Daddy told us about mates, and I wished that I had one like Sam. She was fun to hang around, even though she was sometimes annoying. I think I loved her, even though people say I didn't know what love was.

I looked towards the Moon and frowned when she pulled her hand from mine. I didn't want to let go of her just yet. I turned to look at where she was sitting to grab her hand again. However, I didn't see her but a white wolf sitting next to me.

"Woah," I whispered in awe. "Sam?"

The White Wolf nodded her head and barked. She nudged my hand, causing me to lift my hand and placed her head underneath.

I patted her soft fur, causing her to purr like a kitty. "You are pretty," I said.

"Protect her, My Child," someone whispered in my head. "She is the savior of wolf kind, and without her, there is no hope. I am showing this to you, because she is the White Wolf that will change the way we see the world."

I kissed the top of my best friend's furry forehead. "I will protect you," I promised.


I woke up from my dream and got up from my bed. I padded, silently, to the door and snuck to Sam's room. I climbed into her bed and placed my arm around my best friend. "I will protect you," I promised while she snuggled up to me. "I love you."

With that, I fell asleep holding onto my best friend.  

Accept Me or Reject Me. You Can't Do Both. (First book) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now