Chapter 3 (Edited)

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"So, I heard that you had a little accident today," someone said at my door. Amusement filled their voice, and I could hear an underlying message of happiness. "Care to explain?"

I turned around in my seat and pushed my blonde hair out of my face. I looked up and saw that it was Calamity, Tommy's mother and Ryker's mate. I nodded my head out of respect to her. "Luna," I said, causing her to roll her eyes. "I was taking care of myself because some girl thought it would be funny to break my pair of glasses."

Luna Calamity sighed and shook her head moving towards me. Her green eyes bounced with an unknown light, and I knew that she was proud of me. "Good work," she said. "If you get proper training, then I am sure that you will make a fine warrior."

I bit back a scoff, knowing that my pack wouldn't want me to learn how to fight or defend myself. "Ya, I don't think that will happen," I muttered under my breath, causing Luna Calamity to chuckle. "Is it time for dinner?" I asked, standing from my desk.

"Not yet," Luna Calamity replied, gesturing to my bed. "Now, sit and let me take a look at you." She watched as I hesitantly sat on the bed before she studied my busted lip and black eye. "They are healing," she said. "There is nothing to worry about."

I shrugged, not having the energy to tell her that I was going to be beaten more tomorrow or that I was used to it. "So, are there any other packs that are coming?" I asked. I knew that it was weird to have two Wolves shifting at the same time that were not twins.

Luna Cala, as she liked to be called, shook her head. "No," she replied with a sad sigh. She squealed and pinched my cheek, causing me to groan out in pain. "I hope you two are mates. You two are so perfect for each other."

My face reddened at the thought of Tommy being my mate. That was something that I wish would happen, and I hoped that he would love me just as much as a lover as he does a friend. However, I knew that that was just wishful thinking on my part. "I don't know, Luna," I said, glad that my voice didn't crack. "It is weird that we are on the same day, but I don't think that'll make us mates..."

"Well, you are good for him," Luna Cala said. She nodded her head. "And you will make an excellent Luna." Pity filled her eyes, and I knew that she was upset that I wasn't like my parents before and become the Beta of the back. "You would've made an excellent Beta to my son." She sighed before clapping, her darkened mood turning to happiness. "Come now, it is no time to think of the past and upsetting things. The food needs to be cooked." With that, she marched out of my room, causing me to chuckle.

I shook my head and sighed, hoping that Luna Cala was right. I hoped that I would make an excellent Luna that she and my parents could be proud of.

And, with that thought in mind, I walked into the kitchen to start doing my punishment for standing up for myself and lying about it.


Dinner went by fairly easy and quickly, which was surprising to me. There had been no nasty comments about me, which was rare because most nights there would be.

Sure, there had been some nasty glares, but I could care less about them.

What I couldn't ignore was the fact that my whole body was starting to ache as if someone was pounding a hammer against my whole body and trying to break some bones.

A small groan of pain escaped my tight lips, and I couldn't help the other one that came after it. "Can I be excused, Alpha?" I gasped out finally, looking over at him. I ignored the glances of hatred as I tried to ignore the pain.

Alpha Ryker nodded his head. A look of worry was on his face, and I was sure that he knew what was happening. "Of course," he said. "Just don't go too inside the woods."

I nodded my head and tossed my used napkin on my plate. I stood and pushed the chair in before rushing into the woods. I didn't go far into the woods, but I made sure that I was well hidden before I stumbled to a stop.

A gasp of pain escaped my mouth while my body crumpled to the ground.

I couldn't help but whimper as the pain got too intense, trying to not make a sound. I knew that I was shifting, but I didn't know why it was so painful. It was more painful than being pushed down the stairs, which had happened to me before.

Tears rolled down my face while I succumbed to the pain. I let it take me over and started to roll with the currents of pain that shuddered through me.

All too soon, the pain stopped, and everything seemed brighter and clearer. My ears twitched, and I caught the sound of rushing water.

With a groan, I stood and started to walk towards it, feeling dry mouthed.

When I reached the water, I was about to drink but stopped when I saw my reflection.

Instead of a "normal" colored wolf, I was different. I didn't have any type of coloring on my fur, and I was surprised to see this.

I was a rare colored wolf.

I was white.  

Accept Me or Reject Me. You Can't Do Both. (First book) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now