Extra 4- Chocolate Kiss Tommy's POV

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(Age 10 sitting at their spot eating ice cream)

I watched as she talked about something. I had no idea what she was rambling about, but all I could focus on was the chocolate that was all over her lips.

All I wanted to do was taste them, and I had no idea as to why I had this sudden urge to, but I did. I didn't care about the Wizards that Sam was talking about, and I didn't care about this Hawthorn Porter.

"Tommy," my stubborn best friend said breaking me from my thoughts. She scowled, but that didn't stop me from looking at her lips. "Are you paying attention?" Sam grabbed hold of my face and made me look at her before putting her hands in her lap.

"Huh?" I asked, cocking my head. "Oh, you were talking about Hawthorne Porter."

"It's Harry Potter, you dimwitted, ninny," she said, glaring. She fixed her glasses so that she could see me better. "And-"

I couldn't take it anymore, so I kissed her lips before pulling away. "Yum," I said, licking my lips and the chocolate that was transferred on them. "You are right, chocolate is good."

"Oh," my best friend said, her face turning red. She cleared throat and ate some more of her ice cream, looking away.

I blushed and looked away, feeling happy that I had taken her first kiss away. "Sorry," I mumbled, not really sorry. "Now, what was this about Hanes Potter?"

"Harry Potter," Sam said. "And it is this beautiful book series that has different houses..."

Man, she can really talk. But, I didn't care. I liked her happy. She needed to be happy more often.


A/N: I do like young Tommy better. xD Hawthorne Porter hehehehehehehehe.

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