I'm done

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God, how I wanna kiss him. I bite my lip trying to control myself and at that moment Isaac speaks up. "Your heartbeat" he softly whispers in my ear causing me to blush. "Oh shit" I let out.

"Am I making you nervous?" "Oh don't go all smooth on me Lahey" I jokingly reply. I take a step back while raising my eyebrows. Isaac laughs, but then his facial expression becomes really serious and he just stares into my eyes. Oh god, those eyes. "You are gorgeous. You know that?" He compliments me as serious as he can be. I can feel my cheeks becoming red. It feels like they're going to melt off my face. I take a step forward again. "Thank you" I softly whisper in his ear and walk away. I'm really just trying to hide my cheeks, which are now on the edge of exploding, and calm down a little. I make my way to both Allison and Scott who are sitting down at the side. She's laughing, he's smiling. I quickly sit down next to them and try to calm down my heartbeat a little. Scott notices, obviously, and looks over at me. I smile at him trying to hide my feelings. I'm sort of freaking out a little. Allison now turns around to me and starts to smile. "What did he do?!" She yells enthusiastic. "What? He... He didn't do anything" I begin. "You are SO lying" Allison giggles. I open my mouth, but nothing comes out. "Your heart is beating so fast" Scott smiles brightly. "Why are you both enjoying this so much!" I laugh and rest my head on Allison her shoulder. "I'm so crushing on him" I let out. Scott almost jumps up because of my sentence. "I knew it!" I look at Allison who's looking back at me and we both start to laugh.

I make my way through the crowd over to the bar to get something to drink. I sit down and the bartender quickly pours me a drink.
"Hey" a voice whispers in my ear from behind me, making me shiver. I give him a quick smile and pick up the drink that has been set down in front of me. "So... You still owe me that one dance" he starts. "Do I?" I smirk at him and take a sip from my drink. He looks at me, but quickly looks away again while smirking a little.

 He looks at me, but quickly looks away again while smirking a little

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Him smirking really does something to me. He is so freaking good-looking, but enough about that. I think pretty much everyone knows he is. I place my lips on the glass of my drink. "So what is the reason you're ignoring almost every boy in here." "Hmm good question. I should change that, shouldn't I?" Isaac looks at me a bit confused. I raise my eyebrows and make my way towards the dance floor. I walk through the crowd and when I look back over my shoulder Isaac is slowly standing up, watching my every move. I turn around and bite my lip while smiling bright. He lifts his chin up a little and shakes his head. I continue walking and notice the blonde guy from before who's dancing on the dance floor. "Hey you!" I yell above the music. The blonde boy notices me and licks his lips. I join in on him and look over my shoulder to check up on Isaac, but where did he go? I remove the hair which flew in my mouth, but then someone grabs me from behind and I can feel someone's breath against my ear. "You think I'd stand by and watch?" Isaac whispers in a low tone and grins. I laugh a little, but try to hide it. After turning my face back to him, we dance to the rhythm with my hands around his neck. His face is coming closer than ever before and his nose is now brushing against my cheek. We're in the middle of the crowd with my arms around his neck and his around my waist. His face is brushing against mine and I'm smirking while he's focused on my face

"EVERYONE!! THE COPS ARE HERE, WE GOTTA MOVE!" the voice of the DJ speaks up after he'd shut down the music. The lights have been turned back on and the crowd is going wild. They're pushing each other to get outside as quick as possible. I get pushed aside by almost everyone so I'm grabbing Isaac his arms and hold tight. He laughs and licks his lips. My hand then moves from his arm to his hand and I hold it, pulling him with me. I walk over to Stiles since he's the first and only person I'm seeing from this point. "Stiles! Where is the rest?" "Probably outside already, need a ride?" He asks. I think about it for just a second and all of sudden Isaac speaks up. "no thanks" he says.

"So we're going to walk home?" I smirk. He simply just nods and starts walking. "What about you lifting me on your back and carrying me home..." I jokingly suggest. Isaac puts his hands in his pockets, smiles and slowly shakes his head a little. I quickly walk over to him and hold his arm. Isaac walked me home and while walking we got to know a lot more about each other then we already did. We talked about our childhood, our future, our goals and our hopes. We also laughed a lot, but when do we not. When we arrive at my door, we stop walking. I grab my keys out of my bag, open the door and look back at him. He grins and looks me in the eyes. He slowly backs up and walks down the stairs. He turns around to look at me and takes a few steps back while thanking me for tonight. I nod and repeat him.

I walk up the stairs and throw my bag on the floor the moment I walk into my room. I look in the mirror and put my hair in a quick bun before noticing a figure by the window. I turn around and notice Isaac climbing in. "Wh-" I try to speak, but get caught off by Isaac. "I'm done" he says almost out of breath, which doesn't make any sense. He is standing at the other side of the room and his stare is attached to my eyes. He quickly, but not too quickly, makes his way over to me and without any hesitation he presses his lips on mine. I can feel my knees become weaker by the second and the palm of my hands are becoming sweatier than ever before. His kiss is softer than I ever thought it would be, but still full of lust. His hands are on my face, holding me close and mine are tangled up in his hair and neck. I've never been this nervous, but also this comfortable both at once. It's freaking me out. At one point in the kiss he lifts me up by my waist and spins me around which makes me giggle and break the kiss, but the moment he puts me down again I kiss him again. Not wanting to let go of his touch. I lay my hand next to his ear, on his cheek, and the other one on his chest. I can feel his heartbeat. We stare into each others eyes. Right now it feels like we're staring deeply into each others souls. He rests his forehead against mine. "God... You make me crazy" he whispers and smiles brighter than I've ever seen before. His hands make their way to my hands and before letting them go he gives me a small kiss and makes his way to the window, not letting me out of his sight.

You know what they say? They say that when you're attracted to someone, it's because of their details. Their eyes, smile and the way they can make you laugh when you need it the most... Even if you don't need it at all. Being in love with someone goes further than that. It adds a few things cause at one point they're going to make you feel things you've never felt before, or at least not as strong as right then. The feeling of being loved by the person you love. The feeling of wanting to be with them... Or the craving feeling of a touch, wanting to touch the person... even if it's just holding hands.

Chapter 15: I'm done

Isaac Lahey: Lights Down LowWhere stories live. Discover now