I don't want to

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10:40 AM

The sun is shining through my transparant curtains as I slowly open my eyes. I lay my hand on top of Isaac his hand which he has placed on my side while we spoon. I turn the front of my body and my face towards Isaac who starts to blink repeatedly because of the sunlight which is shining in his eyes. "good morning" I say as I face him and give him a soft and delighted smile. Instead of covering his face he now shares a sparkling smile and lays his head back on the pillow with his arms under it as he replies. "Hi baby" he softly says making me blush by how cute he is being. I come a bit closer and give him a quick kiss on his nose while he sniffles. I let out a small laugh as he pulls me closer and tries to kiss me on the lips. But before he can kiss me I softly yell for him to stay back because of my morning breath while laughing out loud. Isaac lets out a soft laugh and pulls me closer again. He kisses me a few times before I crawl back in his arms again.

11:45 AM

I walk towards the kitchen in my pajama and open the refrigerator to grab some juice. While poring it in two glasses I get cuddled from behind. I turn around, hand him one of the glasses and take a sip from the other one. I take a seat on the kitchen counter. "Any information from the others?" I ask while Isaac walks over to me. He stands in between my legs while he leans his body against the counter and shakes his head while taking a sip. "Thanks for staying the night." Isaac lets out a smirk and raises his eyebrows. After he swallows a bit of his drink he replies. "My pleasure" he says. He sets down his drink and puts his hands behind my body while holding me. I kiss him and he kisses me back. At first the kiss is tender, but it takes it's way towards something deeper than first. "Morning" my mother says as she walks in the room. We immediately look up and Isaac turns around. We give her a soft smile and reply with an even softer "morning." "So how are you?" I ask a bit nervous because of the whole 'Wendigo in our house' thing. She nods slightly and without answering me she continues to walk towards the garden.

2:11 PM

I sit down next to my mother who's still sitting in the garden and without saying anything I pull op my legs and tangle my arms around them. "Where's Isaac?" She asks without changing her tone. She looks up from her book. "He went over to Scotts place to change and grab some stuff" I inform. She nods and clears her throat. "Listen" she begins. I frown a bit, knowing this isn't good. She sighs and closes the book that's in front of her. "We are going away for a while." I give her a confused look. "You mean like a vacation? For a couple of days?" I ask. "Sort of, but for a longer while." "What? Why? Because of last time?" My mom interrupts me by calling out my name and grabs my hand. "It isn't safe here." I pull my hand away from her. "Are you serious? For how long?" "A couple of weeks" my mom says and she gives me a half smile. "I'm not going." My mom rolls her eyes and frowns a bit. "You are." "No I'm not going mom" I say in a harsh tone. "So, what? You're going to wander the streets with your werewolf boyfriend?" I stand up and slam my hands on the table. "EXCUSE ME" I yell out. "ARE YOU" I take a deep breath and try to calm myself down, but continue to speak anyway. "KIDDING ME." I let out a high pitched scream while clenching my jaw and walk back inside.


3:04 PM

"I- I don't know what to do. I'm not leaving!" I say a bit sad by what my mother just said to me. Lydia and Allison both look at me in an understanding way and then at each other. I place my head in my hands and think. "Well.. Why can't you just stay at home? With Isaac?" Lydia asks in a higher voice. "My mom will never allow me to. She just doesn't feel safe anymore. Not right now." Lydia nods and Allison throws out her hands in front of her to grab mine. "It'll be for a few days, week probably. Don't worry!" Allison then starts. "Yea, but what if.." Before I can continue my sentence Lydia interrupts me. "What if Isaac will forget about you?" I slowly swallow before letting my face fall down on the table. "It'll be fine. That boy loves you enough to wait for you." I let out a half smile and nod. Honestly I'm not sure about that. Yes I am here for him. Yes, he's my boyfriend. Yes, he likes me, but what if he meets somebody new? He is a werewolf and not to forget, he's extremely handsome and the sweetest boy I've ever met. Well, towards me... He can be such a bitch towards others, Stiles, but that's one thing I think is cute about him. "You have to tell him" Allison says and I imagine how he will reply, or at least the possibilities. My eyes widen and I clear my throat. "But, but... How?"I say in a sad voice, wanting to hide my tears a bit. They walk around the table and hug me both.

Chapter 20: I don't want to.

Isaac Lahey: Lights Down LowWhere stories live. Discover now