Got U

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"Listen... Something's going on" Ethan speaks up. I look at his hand and back at his face which is directed towards me. I turn around towards him and take a deep breath. "I knew it."

Ethan takes a deep breath before continuing to speak. "He found us before we found him. He attacked Scott from behind. Isaac tried to help Scott. That figure... He grabbed them. It looked them right in the eyes..." Ethan struggles to explain, but manages to inform me about the situation. I notice how the others stand still to wait on the three of us. I nod softly and turn around to walk towards the rest to make this conversation look less obvious, but as I turn around Aiden grabs my arm which causes me to look back over my shoulder. "They got hypnotized..." I wrinch my eyebrows as I look at both of them. "Hypnotized? But-" "Just be careful... Please"

I'm both shocked and confused. I look back at both Scott and Isaac who are standing next to the car as they look around. I look back at Aiden and Ethan and put on a smile. "Are you done?" Isaac yells at us in a bit of an annoyed way. "We'll talk about this later okay?" I say before thanking them for the information. They both smile at me and we walk back to the car. I'm extremely nervous and I'm not sure how to act. "Good. Let's go" Isaac says. I try to observe Scott and Isaac a bit more while we sit in the car on our way back to Stiles' house.
"You're alive!" Stiles yells as he notices our arrival. Isaac walks right past him which annoys Stiles a bit. "Sadly he is too" he adds. "Could say the same about you" Isaac replies. Stiles softly repeats the sentence in full annoyance. "What happened?" Stiles asks as he stands in front of Scott. He shakes his head lightly. "Nothing" Scott answers while looking right past Stiles. "Nothing? Bu-" Stiles raises his eyebrows as he comments back on Scott his reply. "What about that Destroyer guy who's about to kill pretty much every creature in Beacon Hills?" "What about him?" Scott simply replies. Stiles looks at him in full confusion. "Wha- are you se... uh my god" Stiles blurs out. I walk over to Allison who's sitting next to Lydia who has fully awakened. "All, I really need to talk to you" I say as I wait for her to stand up and follow me. She looks at me with a bit of a concerned face and before answering me she looks back at Lydia. "Yea, sure. Are you okay?" "Yea... I am" I answer her as she follows me to the kitchen.

"Hypnotized? Are you absolutely sure?" Allison asks me. I lean against the kitchen counter. Allison is standing in front of me as we try our best to talk as softly as possible. "I don't know... I guess we have to find out" Allison nods before replying to me. "Okay. Easy" she says. "Yea checking if they're hypnotized is easy, but fixing it... May be everything but" I sigh deeply as I let my head fall back. "There's nothing we can't do. We may not have Scott and Isaac on our side, but we do have a banshee, two werewolves who can turn into one and let's not forget about the boy with the bat." I laugh at Allison her sentence. "We got this." I take a deep breath and nod.

Chapter 37: Got U

Isaac Lahey: Lights Down LowWhere stories live. Discover now