Our Ending is Near

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I'm guessing they're the one outside, which gives me the perfect opportunity to release myself from the chains by lifting myself a little, causing me to rip out the wooden plank to which the pipe is loosely hanging.

That's what happens when you know all the weaknesses of the house. 

Even though I haven't loosened myself from the chains, I am free from the wall which is better than nothing. I immediately grab my phone which lies on the ground and make a call.
"Lydia? Lydia listen to me," I say the moment she picks up the phone, whispering. As I inform her I make my way outside. It's still dark outside and as I quickly check my phone, moving the phone away from my ear, I find out it's only an hour past midnight. In just a second I put my phone back to my ear and continue informing Lydia while making my way out as fast as possible. "The Death Destroyer is a woman. Call Deaton. Meet me at the parking lot. I'll bring Isaac," I say before hanging up the phone, making my way towards the front of the house, running as fast as I can. As I stand there, I look around and try to find Isaac.
There's no way he could've slipped past me.

As I'm searching for him I feel two arms grabbing me from behind, tighter than necessary. I immediately try to loosen myself out of his grip, but instead I get pulled back towards the house. The person holding me throws me against the wall the moment we've set foot back inside the house. As I hit the wall I can hear my body slam against it, feeling my bones crack slightly. "Running away from someone called The Death Destroyer of the Night... Passed midnight," the voice says and I immediately know the voice speaking isn't one I've heard before. I twist my body around and find myself looking at a woman dressed in black. Tight, black leather.

"Quite the smart ass, aren't you."
She waves her riffle around, proudly looking at it. As she does so I notice her nails are a bit different than the one humans have. She walks towards me and crouches down next to me, putting the tip of the gun under the chains, lifting my hands up. She chuckles at the sight of it. "Poor you." She lifts my body up by pulling my hoodie and puts the riffle against my back, leading me outside.

"Come out, come out wherever you are."
She pushes the gun into my back a bit deeper before pulling my hair with her other hand. Knowing her status, I'm quite sure that the riffle she's holding is loaded with some bullets, far from normal ones. "If you don't come out of the woods I'll kill your friend within seconds," she informs, before quickly calling out for both Isaac and Scott just by using a simple word. "Boys."

The freezing wind is slamming against my body as my heart is racing. I watch how a pair of yellow eyes make their way out of the woods. Isaac and Scott have the group in their claws, pushing them to the open part of the woods, right in front of us. 
"Welcome to your endings."

Chapter 48: Our Ending Is Near

Isaac Lahey: Lights Down LowWhere stories live. Discover now