Being new in the therian/otherkin community

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• Being new in the therian/otherkin community •
Please be aware that every person has feelings. And that we should help one another and support each other. It's okay to seek advice or help. We all are here for you. Being new into the community is a great feeling to find other people to make friends with and finding some maybe near you. Keep this in mind though.
(1) Treat everyone with respect
(2) If someone is trying to help you or give you advice, thank them. Even if you don't need the information, still thank them.
(3) No one is "fake". Some are maybe confused and misinformed. And you can help them out if they need help
(4) No one is perfect. You don't have to gain tons of followers right away. Follow the people who knows what therianthropy is and that is experienced in it so that they might help you on the journey. ( I recommend following on instagram emma.pte, kani.starborn, dwykin,, xeden.omegason, alpha_ashpaw, and heriomania. Those are main people I follow, there are a few others )
(5) Be yourself c: In the therian/otherkin community, we are a family. We help each other and try to make the community a good place for all therians, otherkin, and everyone else around to learn about therianthropy.

If needed any more information, corrections, or have questions, please comment c:

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