Dealing with bullies

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• Dealing with bullies •
When it comes to bullies, whether online or locally, a bully is a bully. And I hope that none of you are. Making fun of people who are different or are unique in some ways is wrong. And many people today make fun of therians/otherkin because they see them as freaks or weirdos. But we all are human and as human beings, we have a right to express ourselves. And here are some things to deal with bullies
1) Stay calm. Everything that they say that are mean and or hurtful, don't listen to them. Their words doesn't speak the truth. You are beautiful, strong, amazing, smart, powerful, and unique for showing or having the courage to be yourself and not be fitting in with the crowd.
2) Block them. Don't bash at them if they put hurtful comments or words at you. It will only add the fuel to the fire. And you will be even more angry and infuriated. It's better to leave it alone and block them rather than bashing back at them.
3) Report them. If they start harassing others or put up very extreme posts or comments, report them immediately.
4) As for your closet friends to help you get over the bullies. After you did of these steps, you could ask for your friends for comfort or help to get over the drama that had happened.

If needed any more information, corrections, or have questions, please comment. c:

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