What is not therianthropy/otherkinity

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• What is not therianthropy/otherkinity •
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This is in list form of what is not therianthropy/otherkinity
(1) Your theriotype having tribal markings or vibrant colors on their fur. You don't see wolves, cats, rabbits, or any other animal with a symbol around their faces or body, so why call them your theriotype? That would slightly more go into the otherkin category. Also saying that they have different color eyes and have an abnormal coat color, would turn more into otherkin.
(2) Saying that you don't identity as that theriotype/kintype, but have a connection with it and agree with everything else. Again, a therian/otherkin identifies as that non human creature. If you say you don't identify as one, then you're not a therian/otherkin. Sorry, but you could be something else. And to identify as that theriotype/kintype doesn't mean you will have mental issues or have the abilities like your theriotype/kintype. You identity as a part or a whole of that theriotype/kintype in a spiritual or psychological connection.
(3) Having strong connections, obsessions, or likings to your theriotype/kintype is not the same. That would be considered being other-hearted, but it isn't a bad thing.
(4) You can't "become" a therian/otherkin. You simply awaken or aware you are one.
(5) It is NOT a religion
(6) Your kintype doesn't need a name. It isn't necessary, but you can still name it if you please.
(7) Having to wear gear. You do not have to do this, but you can if want. It's just a way for expressing our theriotype/kintype. But wearing a tail or collar doesn't automatically make you a therian or otherkin.
(8) Having a theriotype as a separate being. You cannot see a theriotype in a dream and have it talk to you or be something that is not you. This would be a spirit guide; a theriotype does not have separate thoughts and feelings. But you could have a kin spirit guide to help you being kin.
(9) Have special powers or abilities from your kintype. You really don't have anything supernatural when you are a therian/otherkin. You are just a normal human being.
(10) Have to be a certain age to become a therian/otherkin. There isn't any age restrictions to become a therian/otherkin. Most of them are around 14 and up, but make sure to do your research before claiming you are a therian/otherkin
(11) You can NOT physically shift into that theriotype/kintype. It is literally impossible and would be excruciatingly painful.

If needed anymore information, corrections, or have questions, please comment c:

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