Finding or making a pack/herd

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• Finding or making a pack/herd •
You don't have to join or make a pack right away. Have a time to feel ready to be with people and meet them. If you are starting to make a pack, ( whether it be local, national, or international ), pick a good name ( but don't copy someone else's name ). And you don't have to have ranks, but it's your choice then setting up the rules. Finding members near your area would maybe take some time, but don't loose hope. There will be some near your area. And if there are some therians/otherkin near you, you can ask them if you want to join the pack. And if making a national/international pack is where you accept members from around the world. Remember, a therian/otherkin pack is far more different than a RP pack or any other type of pack. It's like forming a family to be around together.
If joining a pack, take a look if what their policies are and what rules they apply. It's okay if you don't feel comfortable with the pack. It's your choice c: there is no rush.
( Also, if looking for a pack, you could join the Kotori Tribe. It's an international pack that accept all therians/otherkin. )

If needed any more information, corrections, or have questions, please comment c:

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