Being around friends/family

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• Being around friends/family •
It may be troubling being around your family or friends when you are a therian/otherkin. And you don't have to tell them about it right away. But here are some things you need to understand and tips .
1) Some may not know what therianthropy/otherkinity is. And it doesn't hurt to teach them about it or show them some resources that will back you up.
2) Hang out with some you are comfortable with. We all have that one or two family member or friend that we don't feel comfortable to be around, and it's a normal thing. You just have to tell them why and hope they understand. And if there is someone you can hang out with, go hang out with them. You don't need to tell them on the first day "Hey, I'm a therian/otherkin!" The talk could wait for a while. The main thing is to have fun, be safe, and enjoy the time you have with them.
3) If they are comfortable with you wearing a collar, tail, paws, ears, etc. then you can wear them on your choice. But for this, I would in my opinion ask my friends first. If they ask why, you could say "It's like a part of me or I feel comfortable with this around most of the time."
4) If you have shifts that came out of no where, just breathe and stay calm. You can try to control it by thinking of something else such as a favorite song that you like or counting. If you have any area on your body that feels tense, lightly tap it to ease the uncomfortable feeling.

If needed any more information, corrections, or have questions, please comment c:

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