Seeing, talking, or touching your theriotype/kintype

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• Seeing, talking, or touching your theriotype/kintype •
Not to show any hate or discrimination, I am only showing the information to help everyone understand better.
Now seeing, talking, or touching your theriotype/kintype has been discussed one way to many times. Remember your theriotype/kintype is YOU! Not separate. If it would be separated, it would be possibly a spirit animal. But getting to the main point, you can see your theriotype in dreams, online, or maybe in real life. Talking to your kintype would be saying that you are talking to yourself if you saw it in your dreams. If you saw your kintype, you can possibly talk to it, but of course, the animal wouldn't reply to you in the same language you speak.

If needed any more information, corrections, or have questions, please comment. c:

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