Hidden Village.

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Pic of our girl Lily above! Found at http://zuzuturkova.deviantart.com/art/31122014-503862315 By ZuzuTurkova. Please remember to Comment, vote, and share! I love you guys! <3<3<3

 Please remember to Comment, vote, and share! I love you guys! <3<3<3

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Lily couldn't remember a time when she felt so bored. She made her way into the kitchen to get something for breakfast, trying to figure out how she was going to pass the time when her Father spoke up.

"Lil. We need groceries and some other supplies. Go and pick some up." He handed her a wad of money. She blinked at it in surprise.

"No problem. I'll need the keys too."

"You can walk." She blinked owlishly at him.

"Dad, the nearest village is like ten miles away, and you want me to walk there and then walk back with a bunch of groceries?" He shrugged.

"Not my problem. I have things to do that I need the truck for." He got up and rinsed his dishes. I suggest you get to it." Then he was gone, walking out of the cabin without so much as a fare thee well. She glared at his retreating form. If looks could kill, she would be parentless.

"Shit." She muttered. She pulled out her phone and made her way up to her room. She stayed silent and listened to the sound of the truck driving off fade into nothing. Sure that she was alone she dialed Klaus's phone number.


"Hey, Klaus. I hate to do this to you, but I'm in a bit of a bind."

"Are you alright?"

"Yes. I have a favor to ask, and you can totally tell me to go to hell for asking if you want. I'll understand." He chuckled at her.

"What do you need?"

"I need a ride into town. My Dad asked me to get groceries today, but I'm not allowed to use his truck."

"Is he mad? The nearest village is ten miles away. It's already noon. There is no way you'd make it back before dark and the forest is dangerous."

"If I don't get them he'll be furious with me. Sorry to ask, but I don't know anyone else here." There was a long moment of silence and some muffled speaking.

"I'll be there to pick you up in ten minutes."

"Thank you! I can give you gas money."

"Don't worry about that."

"Thanks again. See you."

"See you." He hung up, and she collapsed on her bed gratefully, before realizing she only had ten minutes to get ready. She ran to the closet and pulled on a T-Shirt, jeans, and sneakers, throwing her pajamas on the floor in a haphazard pile. She brushed her hair and teeth, and she was ready to go by the time Klaus knocked on the door.

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