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She groaned in protest as Damien shook her gently

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She groaned in protest as Damien shook her gently. 

"No." She grumped. "I love you, Damien, I really do, but as God is my witness if we go at it one more time I'm going to end up in a wheelchair." She couldn't help but smile at his smug masculine chuckle. It had been one full week since they'd made love for the first time. The only breaks they'd taken were to eat, use the bathroom and sleep occasionally. They'd gotten completely and utterly lost in each other. 

"Come, little one. We have exceeded the time we can take away from the pack, especially since you have marked me." His voice was gentle. She opened her eyes and turned around in the bed so that she was facing him. She moved his hair to the side and inspected the mark where her teeth had pierced his neck in a moment of passion. He hadn't told her until later that marking each other this way during sex was the way that werewolves claimed their mates. She leaned forward and kissed him there, enjoying the way he shuddered in pleasure. 

"Why especially now that I've marked you?" She wondered.

"Now that we are officially a mated pair, you must be presented to the pack as the official Luna. Klaus has been setting up the gathering all day long in the back yard of your cabin." He leaned in and kissed her deeply. When he pulled back she grinned. 

"Our cabin now, don't you think. Aren't we basically married?" 

"We are much more than married Lily, what we are can only be undone by death." 

"And isn't that so much better?" She grinned up at him and he graced her with a rare grin of his own. 

"You are Goddess sent and that is the truth." He stated. "Now go and dress before I decide I can't control myself." She giggled and stood up, looking for the clothing that had become lost during their week of torrid passion. When she found her shirt she laughed and held it up for him to see. 

"I can't get dressed, Damien. You've ruined my clothes." She shook the shirt for emphasis. It was torn to shreds and would cover nothing. Her jeans hadn't fared any better. "I'll have to run to my cabin. That's where the rest of my clothing is." 

"I'll meet you there." He smirked. He swatted her behind just before she shifted. She snapped playfully at his hand and wagged her tail before loping off into the forest towards her cabin. The party was already in swing. The entirety of the pack was present. The vodka was flowing and there were tables set up, groaning under the weight of the food they held. 

She shifted and went inside the cabin, running up the stairs and into her bedroom. She pulled on some jeans and a sweater as the temperature was cold and made her way down. Damien was already there in his usual jeans and shirt, showing off his muscular physique. When she walked into the back yard and took her place at Damien's side, everyone turned to face them and the crowd slowly went quiet. 

Once all was silent Damien addressed the crowd, his voice confident, sure and booming with just a hint of pride in his tone. 

"Pack! The woman standing beside me is newly come to us, a Therian from the United States of America. She has embraced her wolf and proven in combat to be the strongest of anyone in the pack save for me. She has sacrificed deeply to keep the pack safe, killing her own father to do so at great emotional cost to herself. She didn't have to do anything for this pack but from the moment she arrived, she was our friend, and now our protector. 

She has accepted my mark, and I have accepted hers. We are mated and now as Alpha of this pack I declare beneath the moon for all to hear, that this is your new Luna!" 

There was a brief moment of silence, then everyone in the area tipped their heads back and howled at the moon. Damien and Lily grinned at one another and joined the pack in their song. 

Eventually the howling tapered off and the party started. One by one and some in groups the females all came up to her and greeted her as their Luna. As an official Luna, she was now connected to every one of these women. Her strength was their strength, and their strength was their offspring's strength. A strong Luna meant a strong pack. 

That hadn't truly hit home until this night and she found herself feeling a little overwhelmed by the trust they were all placing in her, the trust that Damien was placing in her. It was no small position to carry, the position of Luna. 

The elder women took her aside and whispered words of wisdom to her, offering their guidance in the future and she was grateful for it. She fingered the necklace she'd gotten so long ago at the hidden market, looking down briefly. Then she looked again, gasping. 

"Damien!" He looked where she was looking and froze. The moonstone in the center was glowing brightly enough to give off its own light. She met Damien's gaze. "What does it mean?" 

"Amara!" Damien roared. It only took a few moments for Amara to come gliding over to them. When she did, her eyes fixated on the necklace. 

"May I?" She asked. Lily nodded and Amara took the pendant in her hands and studied it, then closed her eyes, cupping it in her hands. After a long time, she met Lily's gaze. 

"Where in the world did you get this?" There was a hint of wonder in her voice. 

"I got it from an old woman in the hidden market." 

"Who, can you point her out?" Amara asked. Lily looked around the group carefully checking every face and her brow furrowed in confusion. 

"Actually, no. I don't see her here at all." 

"This was a gift from the Moon Goddess Lily." 

"What does it mean?" Amara's gaze switched to Damien. 

"It means your mate is not the only one to surface in this generation. Your eight brothers will find their mates as well. It is the Moon Goddess's blessing upon her original nine." 

"Why now?" He questioned. 

"I do not know the mind of the Goddess. All I know is that this is a sign that the nine Luna's have come into the world, and that Lily here, is the first and eldest of them. The first of the Queen Lunas. Given some of the prophecies known only to the Witches, I can only assume this means that the packs will need the strength that a fierce Luna will give them. You are blessed my friend, and so is your union. 

The Half Blood Wolf (Lupus Antiqua Series Book #1)Where stories live. Discover now