Pulled Away

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Lily watched Damien walked over to the window and stare out of it broodingly. It was yet another failed attempt to draw him into making love. He always backed away no matter what she tried. 

She stood up from the couch where they'd been so intimate once before and made her way over to Damien. She slid her arms around him, resting her head against his well-muscled back; a deep sigh escaping her. 

"What is it, Damien? Talk to me instead of shutting down and pulling away." 

"After the hunters are taken care of we will have time for what you desire." He murmured. Lily frowned. Yet another excuse to put off their first time making love. And what he'd said. There had been no venom in his voice, but no passion either. He'd sounded almost bored as if she was the only one that wanted this. Had the bloom gone off the rose? Did he not want her any longer?

As soon as that thought occurred to her she pulled away from him, tears pricking her eyes and threatening to spill over. That was it wasn't it? Why else would he be holding back when he'd been so passionate before? He didn't want her anymore and he didn't know how to tell her. 

Lily felt so incredibly stupid. He'd been pulling away and giving her hints and she had been so head over heals stupid in love that she hadn't seen it. She turned her back to him slowly, swiping furiously at her tears, determined not to let him see them. She glanced over her shoulder at him. He hadn't even turned around to look at her when she'd let go of him. Rejection rushed through her system, making her face heat with shame and anger. Her stomach churned and she had to swallow hard to hold in the sob that wanted to be released. 

"Nevermind then." She was proud of how steady her voice was. "I got the hint." Without looking back she walked out of his small cabin and shifted mid-step. She was getting good at doing so seamlessly and effortlessly. She took off at the fastest run she could manage, bolting into the forest. There was one area where her wolf was better than Damien's and that was speed. She was faster than he was by enough that she could lose him at a flat out run if he tried to follow her. 

She stopped at the border of the safe zone and whined, looking forward. She wanted to see Amara, who lived outside the safe zone which was much farther into the forest. Not only did she want to see Amara, but she missed her cabin. She was only torn by indecision for a moment before she heard Damien howl not too far behind her. If she didn't move now he would catch her. 

She bolted for Amara's cabin, arriving quickly, she padded up to the front door and scratched at the wood, letting out a friendly huffing bark. The door opened and Amara was standing there. 

"Lily! What the hell are you doing outside the safe zone?" She put her hand on her hip and raised an eyebrow. "If the Hunters don't kill you, Damien probably will." She whined a little and Amara sighed and stepped back. "Alright, come in." 

Once the door was closed she shifted back into human form, wrapping herself in a blanket from the back of Amara's couch. 

"Well, out with it. What made you crazy enough to break through the lines to come and see me." 

"I'm upset and I needed to talk to someone who isn't a werewolf." Amara laughed. 

"I can understand that. What has you so upset?" They walked into the kitchen where Amara poured them some tea. Amara seemed to always know when company was coming because she always had tea ready. 

"Damien keeps rejecting me." 

"Rejecting...oh, you mean sexually?" 

"Exactly." Lily flushed red in embarrassment. "He keeps finding excuses to put me off. He goes quiet and pulls away whenever I bring it up. He never lets things get heated anymore. It's been weeks since Training and he's practically a stranger. I know the Hunters are a real threat, but they aren't a reason to not...you know." 

"Have you asked him why?" 

"Sure, but he claims its nothing. He won't talk to me. I don't know what to do, and I won't go around begging for him to love me." 

"I can see you're upset love, but what you really need to do is tell him all of this. Lay all your cards on the table. If he chooses not to play, then you can be upset and angry all you want. He will deserve your wrath. But if you just assume things and go based off of your assumption only, you could be wrong. Then how silly will you feel? All of this assumes he doesn't murder you for putting yourself in danger as you've done. Do you have any clue how furious he will be?"

Lily thought about it for a moment and shrugged. 

"I can't say I've ever seen him truly angry." 

"Prepare yourself then my girl. It isn't pretty and he is going to be raging and it will all be directed straight at you." Lily shivered a little bit. 

"He's the one that rejected me. He can't really care so much." Lily swiped at the tear that spilled when she said that. 

"For the record, I think you're wrong. But I can see that his actions have left you feeling alone and rejected. I can see he has hurt you. Just don't make it worse by acting rashly. Now trust me, the longer you are gone, the worse things will be for you when you go back. You'd best be going."

"Thank you for the talk, Amara. I appreciate you." 

"Anytime. Now go." In seconds Lily was on all fours and flying through the forest, bypassing the patrols easily. But she didn't go to Damien's cabin. She went to where the main bulk of the pack was camping. She wasn't ready to face Damien yet, and she wanted to take comfort in the community feel of the main camping grounds. 

The Half Blood Wolf (Lupus Antiqua Series Book #1)Where stories live. Discover now