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"She's lost too much blood, it's the only way!" 

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"She's lost too much blood, it's the only way!" 

"Have you lost it? Such a thing must be done slowly, she will have no control." Klaus. Was that Klaus? A growling voice, much closer to her responded. 

"She will have me. Now, go with the others and make sure the hunters are all dead." Everything faded out again. 

When she came to once more, she heard Damien muttering in some other language. Then she faded out again. 

When she came to yet again she came to consciousness fully. But it was a different kind of awareness. Everything was taller than she was. She could smell so many things it was completely overwhelming, and when she went to move her arm, she winced, but instead of her voice, it was the yelp of a canine in pain. 

-don't move idiot! We are not healed yet.- A voice in her head. What the hell was going on? She began to panic and try to struggle when a will not her own completely overpowered her, forcing her to be still. 

-What part of 'don't move' did you fail to comprehend? - The voice was feminine but a little vicious at the same time. 

-Who are you?- She wondered in her own mind, feeling like she was trapped in a cage, battling this other being for control. 

-I am.-  Gee, that was helpful. She thought. 

"Lily." It was Damien. She looked around frantically till she saw his face. He looked strained, and there were claw marks all over him. Who had done that to him? "Lily, you will listen to me." He was using every ounce of alpha in him, and slowly but surely she finally stopped struggling, but just barely. What was with her? Normally all he had to say was 'submit' and she was jelly. 

"Listen to me, Lily. Hear my voice, and understand the words I speak. You were shot by one of the hunters. In order to save you, I had to awaken the wolf spirit that has slept inside you all this time.  She is powerful and strong and she has completely overtaken you. You must take back control. She's every bit the alpha that I am. I cannot influence her like I expected to be able to. Only you can. You must pull back control. If you heal completely in this form the wound will reopen when you shift back to human." 

Shift back to human? Did that mean...suddenly everything snapped into place. She might have been out for the count but her wolf had not been, and that keen mind opened to her providing the memories she was missing. She'd transformed into a wolf. She rolled onto her feet, all four of them and padded over to the mirror that was knocked to the ground and looked at herself. She was grey with a black stripe down the middle of her, starting with her snout, and she was huge. her paws alone were massive. She whined at the reflection, yellow eyes glowing. 

This being was not Lily, but someone, something else entirely. Her. Lily refused to name her. Gathering up every ounce of strength she addressed that spirit that had taken her over. It did not want to relinquish control. After all, her human form was weak! Why couldn't they stay this way? The more they battled internally the hazier her form became in the mirror. Lily was winning!

Finally, after what felt like a century of battling, Lily won. The first thing to change back was her eyes, changing from that haunting wolfish yellow to their normal color. Then the rest of her followed suit. 

It wasn't the same as when she had seen Damien or Klaus transform. They were fast at it, she was taking forever. When her body was human again she collapsed to the ground exhausted, but Damien was there to catch her. She'd nearly forgotten him. 

"My wound?" she asked. Nearly healed. 

"It's only a scratch now, you took back control just in time."

"Why would it have been bad to heal in wolf form?" She wondered, brain fuzzy with pain and exhaustion. 

"When you suffer a fatal wound and then transform to save yourself if that wound heals entirely in wolf form and then you change back, it re-opens. No one knows why it simply is how things are. 

"I'd like to talk to whoever made that choice." She grumped. Damien chuckled at her. 

"I'm sure that you would." He caressed her cheek. "I did not expect her to be an alpha." 

"Does it bother you?" She wondered, suddenly worried about that and ignoring the growl in the back of her head. 

"No. I admire her strength. She will need it when she meets my wolf." 

"She's very cocky." They both laughed at that. 

"So, the hunters?" 

"There were several, and all are dead now." 

"Is it ever going to end?"

"Not until a great deal more blood has been shed, I fear. We are moving the women and children into hiding with the True Witches that remain here, all of them went last night after you were wounded. You will be joining them." 

"Like hell!" She protested, wincing when her wound stung her with pain. "Where you go, I go. If you are staying here to face them, so am I. My wolf is powerful. We can help you." 

"No!" He growled, clearly angered by the idea. Normally she would have stepped back, but she wasn't just Lily anymore. A growl rumbled in her chest. 

"Just try and stop me Damien, I dare you! This is my pack and you are mine. I need to protect you all." 

"Silly wolf girl, that is my job." His voice was harsh and she realized she'd turned him on with her defiance. She smirked. Oh, she could use this. 

"I'm an alpha too aren't I? Do you think I don't have the same instincts you have to protect the pack and all? Because I'm feeling them pretty damn strongly right now."

"You are not ready for fighting. You need training and to learn to control your wolf side. Without that control, you would only be a liability." Ouch, now that stung. She didn't want to be a liability. 

"Then teach me. Surely we have some time before the next batch of hunters shows their faces. Let's use this time wisely. Teach me, and then let me loose on them. She is aching to sink her teeth into a human. It might as well be a human and not an innocent villager or something." He sighed and considered her words for some time. 

"Very well. I will not pretend that I couldn't use the aid of another alpha wolf hunting with me. But we must take great care. I cannot control her yet."


"When she accepts my wolf as her mate, and I mark her, then I will have that ability, but not before then." She nodded. Things she might have questioned before now made sense to her intuitively. 

"Good. It's decided then. I heal up and train." Damien nodded. 

"Then those hunters pay."

The Half Blood Wolf (Lupus Antiqua Series Book #1)Where stories live. Discover now