Chapter 33:McDonalds and A Crush

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We decided that we should eat. The priest told us his name is Samuel, and we told him our names.

"So why was the entire city destroyed?" Samuel asks us."Everything I seen was like a nightmare. Those demonic giraffe things were everywhere, and those women seemed like terrorists..."

"Everything you saw was the work of the Nitaves," I begin."They're from a different dimension, and there are a species called Shiners who combat them, I'm a Shiner."

Samuel nods at my words. Then he glances at Lola and Persi."Seriously you kids don't need sunglasses at night."

"The Nitaves also have glowing eyes, which they usually hide with sunglasses." I say.

Samuel quickly drives into a store parking lot.

"They're terrorists?!" He asks, terrified."You brought terrorists into my car!"

"Relax, they're friendly." I tell Samuel. He sighs then resumes driving.

"What else is there to know about them?" Samuel asks after he drives the car away from the parking lot.

I look out the car window, watching the other cars on the highway.

"The women are only pregnant for three months, the Nitave fetuses develop quickly." I explain."One look into their eyes and you're their personal servant, wanting to obey their every command. But they don't use that ability often, also they can share their memories, cast illusions on a targeted person, and-"

"We can also read minds." Lola interrupts, cutting me off."But it's only fragments if mental words, only Nitaves with powerful minds can completely read thoughts."

Samuel drives into a Walgreen's parking lot.

"I need energy drinks." He tells us. There are other stores nearby, and I spot a tiger shifting into a cat. That animal must be a Miken; I watch it enter a pet store. We should buy it.

"Did you guys see that?" I ask everyone.

Everyone else says "no."

"I saw a Miken," I say."It entered that pet store right over there." I add, pointing at the pet store.

"Great. Me and Lola can buy it with you, while Samuel gets the energy drinks." Persi says to me.

Looks like we're going to have a Miken on the team.



"Ah." I breathe, drinking from my soda. Jace is across from me, Asott is next to Jace, and beside Asott is Haydley-Asott's Human girlfriend.

"Seriously Asott," I say."Lose the freakin' sunglasses already."

He runs a hand through his short black hair, nervously.

"Um, that won't be a good idea." He says, then he shoves a bunch of fries in his mouth.

"Isn't it obvious, Maddy?" Jace asks, cryptically."He's a Nitave."

I choke on my soda.

"What?!" I ask."We can't have a Nitave on the team, that's just not right!"

"Shut it! You're too loud." Jace says, glaring at me."Anyways, he's cool, okay? He's being a good tool so far, so we can keep him."

Asott glares at Jace, while still chewing his food. Haydley sighs then shifts her eyes to the large observatory windows that overlook the parking lot. It's still raining, and will most likely be that way for a few more hours.

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