Chapter 51:The Boogeymen

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I wake up in the backseat of a car. Lydia is in the passenger seat and Hank is driving.

"How long was I out?" I ask.

"Only a couple of hours," Hank replies, not taking his eyes off the road."The Nitaves know about Australia being a safe haven for Shiners, they're going to start building bases now. We're leaving Australia and going to Canada instead."

I groan."I'm so sick of moving around."

Then I remember the events of last night. Seth and Persi was killed, Hank must have killed the Nitaves when he morphed into his monster fox form. Wait-Seth can resurrect himself, why isn't he with us?

"Where's Seth?" I ask Hank.

"Don't worry, he came back to life after a few minutes when you passes out. He helped destroy the Nitaves, then he told me he was going his separate ways with us. He said he'll call us, later." Hank replies."We're pulling up at a hotel to rest, before going to the airport in the morning."

Hank stops the car and I rise into a sitting position. It's a miracle we weren't pulled over, I wasn't wearing a seat belt and I was lying down. Once we get a hotel room, I plop down on the bed and watch Television.

The world news is on. Apparently dead bodies of some sort of paramilitary group was found in buildings in the western states of America. To humans they're paramilitary members, but to a Shiner, they are our enemies-Nitaves.

Someone is being on the offensive side for once-storming into Nitave bases and massacring them. Extremely brave, if you ask me. The police say there was footage of teenagers with super powers murdering the Nitaves.

Yep, definitely Shiners.

I'm startled by an explosion outside the hotel.

The Nitaves are here.

I rush outside the hotel room and exit the building. After they killed Persi, I want these bitches to pay. The cruel side of me resurfaces as I send a sharp icicle into the brain of a Nitave.

Two Nitave spaceships are hovering a few feet above the ground, deploying Nitave warriors. Suddenly, multiple giant purple spheres of light zoom into view. The spheres collide with the Nitave spaceships.

Then the ships swiftly bash into each other and explode. Now there are only twenty Nitaves left, they were the ones who were already on the ground when the ships exploded. They aim their blasters at me, smiling cruelly but also hoping that the yellow orbs don't return.

Fortunately for me, the yellow orbs arrive again. They emerge from the sky, dozens of them. When the orbs meet the ground, the Nitaves are blown hundreds of yards away into the sky. They won't be surviving that.

A teenaged boy descends from the late afternoon sky. He's handsome with short blond hair and piercing blue eyes. He also has a very tall and muscular build.

"Hello," He says in a thick Australian accent."I'm Damien."

"My name is Maddy," I reply."Thanks for killing those Nitaves for me."

"You're welcome, mate." He says, giving me a smile.

By now, Hank and Lydia are rushing towards me and Damien.

Hank introduces himself and Lydia to Damien.

"So what are your powers?" Hank asks Damien."I seen you shooting those orbs and flying in the sky, but what else?"

"I can also summon armies of vicious monsters," Damien replies."And I can duplicate myself and I have super speed, super strength, I can project force fields, and I can breathe underwater."

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