Chapter 70:Preparing For Battle

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I awaken from my slumber. It's Christmas Eve and Christmas will arrive in a few hours. Everyone is excited and I'm glad that I haven't fought Nitaves or Shiners in days. We all needed a break. I was so mentally exhausted after battles, seeing one of my friends almost get killed. Fortunately, most of us are extremely powerful and can protect our weaker housemates during battle.

"Alan, check this out." Tracy says to me. She's at the desk, staring at the screen of her laptop. I get leave the bed and walk over to her. On the screen, is a massive crater in the snowy field. There's also many vast piles of ash all over the field, combined with snow and blood.

"What the hell?" I say in horror."Who could of done such a thing? What if it's Ocenia's clone massacring another settlement of people?"

"Alan, it's not an evil clone. Josh is suspected of being the attacker who destroyed this small town in Alaska. There were zero survivors, but the Government highly believes it was Josh," Tracy explains. Then she moves the cursor and clicks on a video, then the video plays."Watch this interview."

A elderly man is being interviewed by a news reporter. He has tears in his eyes and is trying to speak.

"I was going to visit my younger brother here. I live a few miles away and I came to this town, expecting everything to be alright and normal. I wasn't expecting there to be blood and ash everywhere. I wonder who could of done this." The man says, sadness and emotional pain clear in his voice and face.

The camera switches and reveals the faces of news presenters inside a Television studio.

"Josh Hart is suspected of being the terrorist who is doing these things," One of the news reporters says to the camera. A photo of Josh appears, the picture was taken on picture day of our Sophomore year of high school."Josh Hart is said to appear older now. He will most likely look murderous with a stubble of dark hair on his face. He is extremely deadly and dangerous, approach with caution. There will be a half-million dollar award for his capture. Anyone with news of this criminal, should call the police immediately."

"Josh has become a monster, Alan," Tracy tells me, an expression of fear on her face."What if he comes here and kills us all?"

"Then I'll kill him, especially if he hurts you." I say, angrily. My anger is not directed at Tracy, it's directed at Josh. I always knew Josh would become a murderer of innocents. I just never wanted to admit that my best friend was a psychotic killer. He even told me that he killed his puppy when he was little, because he didn't want it anymore.

Fear courses through me. That's when I realize that I'm afraid of Josh. Honestly, if the two of us fought, I'm positive that he would win. Josh is the strongest and most bloodthirsty Shiner I have ever met. If I see him again, I will end his life.

"No need to be afraid, Tracy," I say to her. I kiss her on the cheek and hug her."I'll always protect you, for as long as I live."

I pull away from her, then I leave the bedroom. It takes me a few minutes to reach the Television room. It's a vast room, similar to a movie theater, with a large Television on one of the walls. There are many couches and sofas inside, complete with a machine filled with candy and gum, like the kind you would see in a grocery store.

The Television room is packed. All of the seats are occupied with my entertained housemates. They're watching a movie called Cabin In The Woods. It's gruesome and I'm glad that I don't see any of the younger kids watching the film.

"Hey, Alan!" Jace shouts to me from the other side of the room."Cole watch the movie with us!" I shake my head and Jace calls me a loser. Then I exit the room and decide to see Will.

Fallen StarsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora