Chapter 42:Carnival Freak and Australia

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Becoming a carnival freak is the best thing that's ever happened to me. After amazing a human audience of spectators, I head outside and sit on a bench. My only friend, a fifteen-year old girl named Denise, takes a seat beside me.

I like Denise, she's very different than I am, but she's alright. Her long copper-colored hair ends at the waist. I'm not sure what makes her a "Freak", but I know that smoking has no effect on her body.

Denise takes out a cigarette.

"Yo, Fire-Boy-light this up." She tells me, holding out the cigarette. I sigh and produce a tiny flame from the tip of my right index finger, obeying her command.

"Thanks." She tells me, placing her mouth around the cigarette.

She starts smoking and I sigh.



Australia is the perfect place to live. There are absolutely no Nitaves here, except for Persi, and this place is home to hundreds of Shiners. It's like paradise, but the Shiner dimension is way better.

I still feel guilty. How I brutally assaulted Alan, then left him to die in Utah-cruel, that was possibly the most evil action I've ever committed.

Alan doesn't deserve what happened to him. He had no other choice, he was just doing it to protect Emily, he had no idea Mersidion was going to break the promise of not killing Emily. If I was put into the same situation with Percy's life on the line, I would of done the same thing Alan did-betray my friends to save the person whom I love.

"Tell me about the first war between the Shiners and Nitaves." I tell Persi. We're inside the living room of the new house that Hank bought.

Persi turns to me and says,"How'd you know about that? Most Shiners have no clue about that event."

I roll my eyes."Because I woke up in the middle of the night in Ogden. I heard you telling Persi about it until Kyle interrupted."

He takes a deep breathe.

"Okay, I'll tell you," He says."It's kinda a long story, so be prepared."

I get into a comfortable position on the couch I'm sitting on.

"The Chaotic War is what the Shiner historians called it. It ended five-hundred years ago, and lasted for three centuries-three hundred years. The first ten Nitaves created, dominated the lands of the Nitave Dimension, this was thousands of years ago,"Percy tells me."The Nitaves were peaceful, but one of the ten Original Nitaves named Sharkutt, became corrupted by his evil Shiner lover named Mia. Mia changed Sharkutt from a good polite Nitave to a harsh, dangerous Nitave. When Sharkutt realized Mia didn't truly love him, he killed her and vowed to destroy each Shiner in existence. So Sharkutt elected himself leader of the Nitaves. So he started the Chaotic War, many died-Shiners and Nitaves, alike. Then the grandfather of Conrad Will's grandfather, ended the war by plunging his sword in Sharkutt's heart. The Nitaves and Shiners returned to their respective Dimensions, a few thousand Shiners decided to reside on Earth, where they produced children with the local Human population-this is why some Shiners are born. Anyways, recently the Nitaves have decided to ploy war domination, you knew that already of course."

I take in all this new information. I never knew the terrible history between the Shiners and Nitaves.

"So Sharkutt is back, right?" I ask him.

"Unfortunately, yes," He replies, a grave look on his face."But we're lucky, Sharkutt will reside in America, first."

"Which means Alan is in trouble." I say in horror.

Persi scoffs."Yeah, if he's even alive."

Then he gets up from the sofa and leaves the room. When he retreats into his room, I make my way over to my bedroom. We haven't bought beds yet, just various heavy blankets on our bedroom floors-serving as beds.

I pull aside a blanket and lay down on the floor, my head meeting my pillow. Then I drape the blanket over my body and fall asleep-too consumed by guilt to be awake.

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