Chapter 48:Another Death

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When me, Will, and Kyle arrive back at my motel room, we see two SUVs parked nearby. The motel door has been broken down. I know something is very wrong.

Inside the motel room, we find eight Nitaves. Denise is tied to a chair with tape covering her mouth. One of the Nitaves appears to be a teenager, she's seated on my bed. She's strikingly beautiful, like all Nitaves. Her black hair is short with some violet-colored strands. She's much shorter than the average Nitave-fourteen or fifteen years old. Lola was fourteen and was almost as tall as me, but this Nitave is shorter than most, probably one inch or two shorter than Kyle.

I recognize one of the Nitaves-the leader, well for now-Kyle told me the true leader named Sharkutt will be in America soon. The leader strides over to Denise and thrusts a dagger into her heart.

I shout angrily as I kill the closest Nitave.

"You're coming with us." Kyle growls, knocking out the teenaged Nitave and dragging her outside.

I easily destroy the Nitaves in the room, saving the leader for last. She killed Denise, I want her to suffer.

After brutally torturing the leader Nitave and killing her, I meet Kyle back outside the room. Kyle tied her up with ropes and she's still unconscious.

"I guess it's time to go," I tell Kyle, eyeing one of the Nitave SUVs."Let's take a SUV."


We're driving through Utah an hour later. There is no place for us to go, and I'm absolutely exhausted of moving around constantly.

The Nitave girl wakes up while we're camped out at Woods Lake in Colorado. I'm cooking a rabbit I killed over the campfire when she screams.

"Calm down," I tell her."We're not going to kill you, we need you to fight your kind."

She spits on my shoes and says,"I'm not screaming because I think you're going to kill me, I'm screaming because I'm tied to a damn tree. Now where's the blond guy?"

Kyle lands in front of the Nitave teenager.

"Let me free." The Nitave tells Kyle.

"We'll let you free, you traitorous bitch." A voice says. The three of us turn our heads. On the other side of the clearing, a Nitave warrior stands a few yards away, near the trees. Behind her stands twenty Nitave soldiers, blasters aimed and ready to fire.

Kyle retrieves his dagger and starts decimating the tiny army. I ignite my body and morph my right hand into a short sword. I finish killing a Nitave when I see a Nitave with a blaster aimed at the Nitave teenager's forehead.

"I know you're a traitor," The Nitave warrior tells the Nitave teenager."You were helping them, you're the bait, they tied you up so we can come save you. Am I right?"

I decapitate the Nitave warrior and free the Nitave teenager. I open the ground and five Nitaves fall into the deep pit. The battle is over when Kyle plunges his sword into the final warrior's heart.

"You saved me," The Nitave teenager tells me, shocked."Anyways, I'm Lisa."

Lisa smoothes the wrinkles of her black shirt with her hands.

"Guys we need to leave." Kyle tells us.

I groan, like I said before-I'm so exhausted of constantly moving around.



Asott bites into his chicken, hungrily. It's just me, Mary, and Asott. We decided to go to a nearby restaurant to hang out. Mary has two cheeseburgers and a bowl of fries. I have seafood-fried shrimp and crab legs.

It's great being a Shiner. In the Shiner Dimension, whatever you desire, you will obtain. This is why we're all so wealthy, we just wish more millions of dollars in the Shiner Dimension and it is given to us.

"So, do you have any brothers or sisters?" I ask Asott. It's a question I've never asked him before.

"I do," Asott replies after swallowing his food."A sister, and her name is Lisa."

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