Chapter 23: Part 2 of the Lily

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If you guys wanted to know why Jordan asks Korali about her feelings and if she's angry so often! That picture explains why^^^^. The song is by LIGHTS called Child. I hope you guys enjoy this chapter. It's the longest one I've written in a LONG time. PLEASE COMMENT AND VOTE! FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM -lalamusicisme On Twitter-lalabookss and fan me on here!

Wolves are wild and so are we

We grow and change from who we use to be

We'll love more in time and change

Nothing ever completely stays the same.-me

Korali's Pov.(Not edited)

"Well you're definitely sick or something. Probably just a cold." Peter suggested, pouring more milk into his blue bowl.

"Weres—we don't get colds remember?" Kaliko laughed over her slip up, but Peter didn't pay any mind to it. He just continued eating his cereal and yawned.

"I have to use the bathroom, I'll be back."

"Well thanks for telling us, we wouldn't want you to get kidnapped in the apartment," Peter drawled sarcastically, which I rolled my eyes to. He beamed a toothy grin at me before pouring more cereal into his bowl. He had been eating cereal for about an hour now. I'm surprised the box wasn't empty and he wasn't full. That boy had a tape worm.

I got up and left the room, when I got done peeing I realized I started my period so I fixed myself up and then left the bathroom after I was refreshed. I sighed knowing that this was going to be a long week.

I dragged myself out of the bathroom slightly moping before plopping back down on the chair at the island.

"Where'd the soul mate go?" Peter asked.

"He left early this morning."

"My friends, Hunter and December, literally do that 24/7 those are the fifth sheets I replaced in the last two weeks."

"Oh that's nothing," Kaliko laughed. "The amount of condoms those two go through in a day would put Zeus to shame."

"Can we not?" I croaked, not wanting to go on that subject.

"Can we and just say we didn't?" Was Kaliko's cheerful reply. We all laughed our chatter dispersing into less raunchy topics.

When Kaliko and I had to go, we gave Peter our hugs and waved goodbye.

I jumped off the front steps of his apartment building Kaliko at my side. "So, what was Jordan here for?"

"Well, we were going to have a... nightcap. But that was canceled by Peter knocking on the door."

"Oh, not that." She winked, "I'm talking about being in the city." She gestured with her hand to the greater L.A area.

"Oh, he was visiting some old pack members." I replied with a sigh. He didn't talk about it much, but I hope everything was okay. He only said 'good' and honestly with Jordan that could go either way. It wasn't necessarily a normal person's good. It could well they attacked me like I expected, good. Or we were civil and it went fine, good. Either or.

"Something tells me it runs a little deeper than that?" Kaliko question hopping into her car. I followed her lead and said, "Definitely. And someday he'll tell you the full story." And let's just hope that's before something bad happens.

Kaliko pulled up to her parents' house and we jumped out of the liberty our shoes slightly kicking up dust. We were greeted by a house full of family, including Kaliko's 8 siblings. Bane, Jason, Calandra, Fay, Cade, Lavi, Ano, and Moana. That was the order from oldest to youngest. Kaliko was born before Ano but after her brother Lavi.

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