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Even with destruction and pain

Beauty can bloom

A painful past can hurt and consume

But instead you look towards the positive

Beat the odds, and grow in dark rooms.-me

7 months later...

3rd Person's Pov.

Zavier was one hell of a crawler, but there was always one place he'd end up when he took off. Korali learned that immediately, after he disappeared while she was trying to pick up one of his toys.

Being a new mother, she tried to be as vigilant as possible, especially since she had a mate who did equal, if not more, a share of the parenting. Jordan was the best Father he could possibly be. She knew he had it in him.

She sauntered out of the baby's room and down the hall. The child managed to slip through a crack in the door and into his dad's office. Korali smiled, pushing the door open wider and finding Zavier on Jordan's lap, while he spoke to Arion.

Arion smiled at Korali's entrance, a twinkle in her eye once she looked back towards the Father-son duo.

"I think he has separation anxiety," Korali spoke, crossing her arms over her chest and rolling her eyes.

"Perhaps" he murmured.

"It's giving me a complex. We obviously know who his favorite parent is."

"Well, we can always have another so there's a chance they might like you."

"Ouch! That was a blow." Korali honestly didn't care that Zavier preferred Jordan over her. She was glad that they were going to be close. Jordan needed that. It was healthy.

"But I love you the most," Jordan replied, beaming a toothy grin at me.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, let me go grab the butterscotch so I can win my baby over."

"Oh, Kore. Your mom and dad are coming over, so just a heads up." Arion said twirling one of her ringlets around her fingers.

"You might want to be telling Jordan that. He and my mom are the ones that fight like cats and dogs. I'm just glad it isn't over his sanity any more." Korali rolled her eyes, taking a seat at the desk in front of her mate and child.

"Oh," she pouted. "I think I'm going through baby fever. I want Cailo to give me a baby."

"Isn't he visiting a physical therapist?"

"Yeah, but that's not stopping us from--"

"I think my son has heard enough." Jordan cleared, lifting the baby in his air and kissing his cheek. Zavier smiled erupting in laughter. His smooth skin was a honey color one of his brown eyes inherited from his mother and the other one green from his father.

"Where's Max and Kaliko?" Korali asked going to sit on the desk to be closer to her child and mate.

"Ano's found his mate," Arion smiled wickedly. "And she's human. And rich."

"Is she like a known rich?" Koralii questions.

"Not a known rich, but she's suuper rich."

"Uh-oh, rich humans really don't take this life well. Good thing we don't live forever like vampires."

"Vampires aren't real," Arion affirmed with a shrug.

"Well with Kaliko and Max with the witch thing. Can we really rule out vampires?"

"Okay, you have a point."

"You never answered where the two are?"

"They'll be here. Said they had to visit a old lady named Adamski. I didn't ask too many questions. You know how weird they've been after the whole 'Are we mates?' thing."

"Yeah, too bad they--"

"Well, we've been weird for a reason," Kaliko walked in with a bag in her hand and a bottle filled with milk in the other.

"Kay!" Korali pushed herself off the desk and went to embrace her best friend. "Where's Max and Cailo?"

"They said to meet them outside for the picnic. They already have the basket. I came up to get you guys." Kaliko pulled Korali's hand along, while Arion and Jordan followed.

When they saw the two boys sitting on a checkered blanket by the weeping willow the two girls waved before Kaliko pulled Korali to the side.

Korali urged Arion and Jordan along before looking towards her best friend wondering what she had to say.

Kaliko wasn't looking at Korali. She was staring at their pack with a small smile. "Ya know, I knew consorting with Jordan would end up fiery."

Korali smiled. "Yeah, but look at all the good that's happened because of it."

"That's the best part." Kaliko added. The two beamed bright smiles at each other before rushing over to the group that was waiting for them.

Korali settled into her mates arms their baby in front of them waving his small hands on their legs. Jordan nuzzled Korali's cheek and she closed her eyes letting the breeze soothe her. When she opened them her eyes went to her lap where laid a bouquet of flowers.

Red tulips, violets, myrtle, a few honeysuckle, and a heliotrope. The ray of flowers brought a bright smile to her face and she looked at her mate who only shrugged. The flowers all held different meanings of loyalty, love, and friendship and it touched her heart as always.

Fire didn't always mean destruction. Sometimes it meant passion. Love doesn't catch on fire to burn out. Some flames are eternal and everlasting.

THIS IS THE END!!! I hope you enjoyed this ride and thank you for all the comments, votes, support, and endless amounts of heart you guys have shown me through this story. I'm going to miss it truly. Kor+Jor FOREVER! But now its time for Carson and Skarlet! BUT I HAVE A SURPRISE FOR YOU GUYS.


Well, I decided that I will have a short story about them!!!! Its not going to be long. About 4-6 chapters long! So check it out on my profile if you're curious! I will be uploading the chapters weekly. So don't worry it'll be done quickly.

So please check out K+K and The Businessman's Surrogate! DON't FORGET TO COMMENT AND VOTE AND SHARE!!

Oh and next is the deleted scenes, poems used, and extras ;)!

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