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Harry and Niall sat laughing on the couch, watching a romcom they picked out after the concert last night.

Liam and Louis were staring intently at their chicken stir-fry in the shiny new wok. The hour was a little past twelve and they were making lunch for the group..or attempting to anyways.

"How do you know when it's finished?" Louis pushed the ingredients around, casually raising an eyebrow.

"You weren't watching the time? Louis!" Liam exclaimed while turning down the heat.

"That's what you get, asking for my help. I hardly know how to make my own sandwiches!" Louis laughed, smacking Liam with a wooden spoon.

Liam laughed loudly and punched Louis in the arm which resulted in an all out kitchen war.

"Get off me!" Niall and Harry turned around at Liam's humorous shriek.

"The stir-fry!" Harry yelped and scrambled to the steaming mess on the stove top.

"Did someone say stir-fry?" Niall followed Harry, pushing past the wrestling boys.

Everyone was laughing in the kitchen, it was the most relaxed the group had been since the event. Harry fixed the food, Niall helped, and the other two continued their mischief. But suddenly, the peace was interrupted by a cell phone ringing from the counter. The boys paused.

Harry picked up the phone and showed his mates the contact, it was Simon. Everyone simultaneously went rigid at the caller. A call from Simon usually meant bad news.

"Hello," Harry answered timidly. Liam smiled at his innocent voice.

"Oh..okay," Harry said after a moment. Louis stared at him intently, waiting for the news.

"Now? We were just about to eat..oh alright, okay, see you in a minute," Harry hung up and looked at the boys worriedly.

"We have to meet Simon and Richard now, he's sending a limo down," Harry pressed his lips together.

"They're in Manchester?" Niall blurted out.

"Yeah, he said it was urgent."

"Well what do you think he wants?" Louis shifted, nerves taking over.

"I guess we're going to find out," Liam said, looking out the window at the limo flashing it's lights out front.

The four boys climbed in and were whisked away to an unknown location. Harry looked out the window, stuck in his own mind.

Louis watched him curiously but turned to Liam as the limo pulled into a wide driveway.

"Li where are we?" Louis squinted out the window.

"Office building of some type."

"I don't have a good feeling about this" Niall sighed, opening his door.

"Neither do I," Harry mumbled.

Security surrounded the group to escort them inside. The brick building was large and gave everyone a foreboding feeling.

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