Long Flights

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"Louis wake up!" Niall banged on his bedroom door.

"Mmk..stop yelling," Louis mumbled sleepily into his pillow, smirking at Niall's angry voice.

"Your phone has been going off for the past ten minutes, answer it!" The blonde complained with a grumble and stomped back to the lounge.

Louis squinted in the brightness, realizing the obnoxious noise in his dream was actually his phone ringing.

"Ello?" Louis slurred, suppressing a yawn as he sat up in bed. The caramel haired boy watched the rays of sunlight bounce through his window, still too tired to register the frustrated voice on the other side of the phone.

"Louis! Are you there? Hello?"

"If everyone could refrain from saying my name so early in the morning that would be lovely," Louis snapped, recognizing the man to be Simon.

"Early? It's nearly eleven Mr.Tomlinson," Simon said condescendingly.

"Yeah, and?" Louis scrunched up his face in annoyance. Simon was the last person he needed to patronize him, over something as stupid as what time he wakes up on his off days no less.

"I have been calling you nonstop for the past few minutes, that's unacceptable behavior Louis," he demeaned with a sigh.

"What's unacceptable is the fact that after all these years you still can't find my voicemail," Louis rolled his eyes exasperatedly and fell back onto his pillows.

"I don't have time for your jokes, we.."

"Cut to the chase," Louis interrupted what was sure to be another speech on why he has to take things more seriously.

Simon pinched the bridge of his nose as he swiveled back and forth in his desk chair. He would swear his boy bands were just as bad if not worse than his girl groups.

"Listen, One Direction has a concert in two days, this is the perfect time to begin drawing attention to your relationship," Simon started.

"It's not a relationship," Louis groaned.

"We're flying the two of you out to LA tonight," he explained, ignoring Louis' comment.

"What? Why? That leaves an entire day left until the concert!" he stammered.

"Exactly, as soon as you and Harry step foot out of that plane and into LAX rumors will be going wild. We want to excite the public, have them wondering what's going on."

"And us walking through the airport is going to spark dating rumors?" Louis laughed humorously.

"You'd be surprised what the fans can come up with."

Louis looked down at his hands, remembering the stories that had popped up before. The theories, the photoshop, the mass amount of believers. Maybe Simon wasn't crazy.

"I remember."

"If a pap walk doesn't start something then sharing a hotel room with the curtains open certainly will," Simon added.

"Great," Louis hummed sarcastically.

"Your plane takes off at 5pm, I'll send you the tickets this afternoon."

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