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It was pouring rain by the time the boys arrived back home. Louis was fuming while Harry had cowered on the opposite side of the limo, sniffling quietly.

"Louis, would you listen to me please?" Liam begged for what seemed to be the hundredth time. All to no avail since the older boy crossed his arms and stared out the window at his dreary surroundings.

Niall had an arm wrapped tightly around Harry, trying to make the trip back slightly less painful. Ten minutes felt like ten hours confined together in the small space.

"We've arrived," the driver announced and within seconds Louis was out of the ride and slamming his door in Liam's face.

"Very mature," Liam said to himself as he opened the door again.

Niall and Harry stepped out of the limousine and into the pouring rain. Harry watched emotionlessly as Liam threw open the front gate, chasing Louis into the flat.

"Come on H, let's get you inside where it's warm," Niall ushered the younger boy to the door but as Harry stood, tears mixing with rain water, he realized the last thing he wanted to do was go inside.

"Are you coming?" Niall murmured, losing his voice in the howl of the storm.

Harry nodded, looking up with pleading eyes,
"just give me a minute."

Niall understood and so he left Harry standing by the door. The least he could do was give him space, especially considering the nature of his imminent stunt.

Harry wanted to feel angry like Louis did. He wanted to feel the madness bubble up inside of him. But he couldn't, he only felt numb.

The same debilitating numbness that he was just too used to. He couldn't be mad at the fans for having faith in love and he couldn't be mad at Simon for at least giving his band a fighting chance.

Harry just felt sad. Not for what he would have to go through or because he felt like a puppet.

Harry felt sad because Niall's words rang in his head 'let's get you inside where it's warm' he had suggested. But Harry knew better. Inside his flat was Louis and Louis was not the warmth, Louis was the cold.

Louis had put an expiration date on their friendship and Louis had forgotten about him. But even after everything, he couldn't be mad at Louis

Harry was just sad.


"Louis open this door," Liam hissed against the cool panel.

"Leave me alone...please," a whimper came from the inside the bedroom.

"Are you crying?"

"Liam please I just want to be alone right now."

Liam could hear the desperation in his voice. His pitch was wrecked and the boy could detect quiet sobs from the other side of the door.

"I'll leave you alone...but Lou?" Liam said much softer, "I'm always here for you okay?"

"Thanks Payno," Louis smiled tearfully.

"It's never a problem," Liam nodded to himself and decided to give his mate some privacy.

"Niall!" Liam spotted the Irish lad and walked across the flat to where he sat, heels of his hands digging into his eyes.

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