Midnight Tears

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  The three boys watched as Louis and Harry walked away. There was no stopping them once they were sure. They were going to the Irish Sea so that they could throw their engagement ring into the Atlantic Ocean.

Liam looked to Niall helplessly. They tried to stop the boys and talk them into going home, but it was useless.
All they could do now was hope that Harry and Louis would come home to them in one piece.

If either boy's heart returned broken beyond repair, then they might never believe the truth.

"Did I say something wrong?" The raven haired boy asked. He could see how scared Liam and Niall seemed.

"Zayn, they're in love. Actually in love," Liam sighed.

"What do you mean? Everyone just told me it was a stunt!" Zayn didn't understand.

"It was, but they fell in love with each other. Harry doesn't think Louis loves him back though and vice versa," Niall explained.

"Then why didn't you tell them?" Zayn ran to the hallway in hopes that Harry and Louis might still be lingering.

Liam and Niall grabbed their belongings and followed Zayn out of back stage.

"We literally just found out five minutes before the show that their feelings were mutual. We wanted to talk to them tonight so that they wouldn't be scared to confess their feelings. It would be wrong for us to just blurt it out. Trust me, they wouldn't believe us if we did it like that anyways," Liam huffed.

If Liam knew anything for sure it was that Harry and Louis were quite possibly the two most stubborn boys on the planet. Both had given each other more than enough signs that screamed "I love you," yet neither boy was convinced.

"So by me telling them to chuck the ring into oblivion, I'm practically ruining any chance of things working out?" Zayn hit himself on the forehead a few times.

"I honestly have no idea what's about to happen, we just need to cross our fingers and wait for them to come back home," Liam shrugged his shoulders and held his fingers up into the air.

The two boys joined Liam and crossed their fingers as well.


"I think this is it," Louis murmured as he pulled the car into a sandy lot. Harry's heart was beating out of his chest. What if he couldn't get out of the car? What if he just couldn't will himself to let go of the ring?

That tiny, sparkling ring. It was simultaneously everything he hated and everything he yearned for. The ring reminded him of feelings that would never be returned and a life he so hopelessly dreamt of.

He had to let it all go.

"You have the ring Harry?" Louis asked, opening up the car door. He walked out into the darkness; it was midnight by the time they arrived.

"I have it," Harry promised as he forced himself to get out of the car.

Was this it? Louis wondered, looking up at the starry sky. Was this the only way to have Harry back in his life?

His eyes drifted back to the curly haired boy. Being Harry's boyfriend was the best thing that had ever happened to him.

The two boys walked silently to the shore, stopping just before the rushing water could reach them. Harry and Louis stood side by side, looking out at the boundless sea.

The ocean waves crashed fiercely against each other as soft, luminous beams shined down from the moon and reflected whimsically off the water.

Louis could feel his chest ache as he stood next to Harry. His presence was always enough to speed up his heart rate so much that it hurt. Louis turned his head subtly to look at the boy again.

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