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Louis sat frozen, staring down at the shiny black box on his lap. His heart was beating out of his chest and his mouth was dry.

A proposal?

"It's been about half a year now boys, we can't continue on with the same routine forever," Simon sighed after the group was stunned silent.

"Okay, maybe six months is long for you Simon, but for an average couple that's a bit quick for an engagement," Liam stood up, snatching the box from Louis and tossing it back to Simon.

"Yes but the fans think that Harry and Louis have been together since 2010," the man rolled his eyes and set the box back down on the coffee table.

Louis looked to Harry helplessly. They couldn't argue that.

"This can't possibly work. We wouldn't actually be getting married. Paps would be asking about a wedding date constantly," Harry finally spoke up.

"Mr.Styles we cannot predict the future! We will take one step at a time as we always have," Simon avoided his valid point.

Harry swallowed hard, becoming increasingly panicked as the conversation continued. This was too much. This was too real for Harry.

"Simon please, I don't want this, I can't," Harry begged with tears in his eyes.

"This isn't about what you want Harry," the man was quick to retort.

Simon's comment stung the boy. Harry was always thinking about others. Truthfully, the emerald eyed boy rarely thought about himself.

By nature Harry was gentle, compassionate, and endlessly giving. Simon's words were a slap in the face.

Louis grit his teeth, using all his willpower to stop himself from acting irrationally. How dare Simon say that to his boyfriend.

Well...sort of his boyfriend, Louis thought.

"Hold on, everyone relax. Can we just talk this through a bit more?" Niall tried, sensing the tension and frustration in the air.

The blonde boy licked his lips anxiously. He was sure that things were about to go downhill quite quickly if the conversation didn't change directions.

"Listen, this shouldn't be a big deal. Nothing will differ in your day to day interactions. Harry will just have a ring on his finger," Simon pointed to the box once more.

Louis nodded, picking up the shiny box and looking at Harry.

"I can't," Harry whispered.

"Go on, open it. Take a look," Simon encouraged them.

The oldest squeezed Harry's leg in an effort to tell him that it was going to be okay and that he was there for him, but Harry's eyes stayed glued to the box.

Finally, Louis propped it open, revealing a stunning silver band with a sparkling row of diamonds sculpted into it.

Harry gasped, panicked eyes looking around the room.
Louis' hands shook; the boy had no idea what to do or say.

"No, please, no," Harry shook his head vehemently. He could feel the back of his throat constrict as tears threatened to spill out onto his flushed cheeks.

Feeling oddly embarrassed, Louis closed the box, eyes drifting down to his lap. Although the ring was a prop, he felt a crack in his heart every time Harry refused. Why was his love such a bad thing all of the sudden, Louis wondered.

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