Learning to Care for Brahms

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She brought us into Brahms' room. "You will wake him at 7:00 each morning and you will dress him." She explained. "Okay." My sister nodded.

"You will find his clean clothes behind you." She said as she stood up and my sister grabbed them. She placed Brahms in his bed. "So I should..." my sister started.

"Wake him up and dress him, Miss Evans. There's no better way to learn then by doing." Mrs. Heelshire said as she came to stand beside me. "Okay." My sister walked over to Brahms' bed.

"Wake up, Brahms." She whispered and I sighed. "Well, I don't know about you, but that certainly wouldn't wake me." Mrs. Heelshire said.

"Its time to wake up, Brahms." My sister said, lifting him up. "Sis, he's not a baby." I scold.

"Then why don't you try it?" She says, putting him down. "Maybe I will." I walked over.

"Time to wake up, Brahms." I said, having him sit up. My sister took my place and had him lie down again. "Change this stuff.." she trailed off again, then Mrs. Heelshire took him.

"Now, let's show Miss Evans how we get you dressed." She said. "I'd let her do it herself, but I'm afraid we'd be here all afternoon." She said with a chuckle and kissed his cheek, then turned to me.

"Would you please dress him?" She asked and I nodded. I took him and sat him on my lap as I got him dressed in his clean clothes. "Thank you, Miss Evans." She said and I reached to give him back to her.

"No, you may hold him." She said, then I walked out of the room and waited. "Your sister seems to have more experience with children than you do." I heard her say.

"Well, back home she would always take care of neighbors' kids." My sister said and I looked at Brahms. "I'm not that perfect, am I?" I asked him. I heard a small whisper.

"No? Well, thank you very much, kind sir." I said, then giggled. The other two walked out and she led us downstairs. I let my sister hold Brahms, since she's his nanny.

We walked into the study. "Brahms has three hours of lessons five days a week and I like to start by reading some poetry. Do you know any, Miss Evans?" She asked, as my sister put Brahms down.

"Uhh... I know all the words to Green Eggs and Ham." She said. "That's not poetry." I cough into my arm.

"What about you?" She asks me. "I was the top student in my English and Literature classes." I explain and she nodded.

"Well, it doesn't have to be poetry of course. Any of these books will do, but you must read in a loud, clear voice." She said, handing my sister the book, as I sat beside Brahms. "Yes, of course." My sister took the book and started flipping threw it, then Mrs. Heelshire gave her a look.

"Yes, of course." My sister said louder. "Excellent. I do hope when you are unable to, that your sister will handle Brahms." She said and looked at me.

"Of course I will." I said the same way my sister did. "Next is music appreciation." She said and I heard a small clink, then saw Brahms tilted over.

"Brahms, a gentleman must sit up straight." I scolded, sitting him up. "Yes, like a good little boy. Now, music, Miss Evans. I don't know how Brahms would go on without his music. Its his world. Of course, he likes it rather louder than I prefer, but it gives him so much joy, I don't dare take it away from him." She said, as she started a record.

Time skip

We sat down at the dining table and Mrs. Heelshire placed a napkin on Brahms. He was sitting across from me. My sister went with Mrs. Heelshire to the kitchen. "Miss Evans, I should inform you that we don't throw away food in this house. We save it." Mr. Heelshire informed me as we walked to the kitchen, with Brahms in my arms and I nodded.

"Hello, my darling." Mrs. Heelshire greeted, taking Brahms from me, but his hand stuck to my shirt. "Now, Brahms, you like this girl that much?" She asked, then gave him back to me.

"He seems to enjoy your company very much." She said and I looked at him. "Mr. Heelshire will explain the rest of your duties. Miss Evans, you may walk around the house with Brahms." She said to me and I nodded.

"Where should we go, Brahms?" I asked, then I heard a whisper. "Let's go to your room." I walked into his room and sat him on the bed. "You know, you might be a great gentleman, when you grow up." I said, smiling.

Time skip

"Gentle Jesus meek and mild, look upon a little child. Pity my simplicity, suffer me to come to Thee. God bless Mommy. God bless Daddy. God bless Greta. God bless Rosalinda. God bless me. Amen." The adults said, sitting beside their son's bed.

My sister and I were watching. "You were such a good boy today, Brahms. You behaved like a little gentleman. Mommy's so proud of you. Miss Rosalinda seems to like you very much and you seem to like her." Mrs. Heelshire said, then Mr. Heelshire whispered in her ear and they looked at us.

"Could you give us a moment alone to speak to Brahms privately?" She asked. "Sure." My sister said, then Mr. Heelshire closed the door. My sister rubbed her hands together.

"So, how about this? You be his nanny and I'll be your guest?" She asked and we laughed. The door opened and they walked out.

"He wants you, Miss Evans. He's chosen you, if you'll have him, and wishes for your sister to stay here with you." Mrs. Heelshire said, then she hugged us. I saw my sister look into Brahms' room. She pulled away from us and looked at me.

"He has requested your room to be beside his, if that is alright." She said and I nodded.

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