The Parents Leave

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The next day

I heard a loud crash from Brahms' room and quickly walked over to see a mess. Mrs. Heelshire entered and gasped when she saw the mess. "Brahms! How could you? What have you done?" She said, as she opened the curtains.

"Wait till I tell Daddy. I don't believe you've done this. Mommy has to go now. And you have to be a good boy, because you promised us." She said and I walked over.

"Now Brahms, a gentleman does not make a mess like this. What do you say to your mother?" I scold and then she looks at me. "It is alright." She said, still looking at me.

"Good boy, Brahms. Let's have a good day, okay?" I picked him up and left the room. "Hello Mr. Heelshire. Sis." I nod as I walk past them and down the stairs.

"Oh! Miss Evans." I turn to see Mrs. Heelshire. "This is for you to have in case your sister loses hers." She handed me two papers.

"That is Brahms' schedule and the rules you must follow." She explained and I looked at them, then nodded. "Yes ma'am, I'll be sure to follow these and I'll make sure my sister does too." I said and she nodded, before looking at Brahms.

"He's quite fond of you." She said. "I'm glad, because I like him too." I said and heard a small whisper. Once I understood, I giggled.

"Yes, I know she's not good at taking care of children, but she is my sister, so please be polite." I say to him, as I continue down the stairs. "Now, now, that's enough, you must be a gentleman." I scold him.

Time skip

I was in the foyer with the Heelshires and my sister. "Now, be good to him and he'll be good to you. Be bad to him.." his wife cut him off. "She will be good to him. Won't you, Miss Evans?" She asks.

"Yes, I'll... I'll treat him like my own." My sister said. Mrs. Heelshire kissed Brahms on the cheek, before she gave him to my sister, who handed him to me once they walked out. We watched them leave and once they were gone, my sister took Brahms, then sat him in a chair, while I closed the door. She looked like she was about to leave, then turned around.

"No offense, Brahms, but you kind of creep me out." She said, then put a blanket over him. Once she left, I uncovered him and walked upstairs with him in my arms. I took him to my room and we sat on the bed.

"Rosa! Where's Brahms!?" My sister shouts to me. "He's up here with me." I answer her.

Brahms POV

My parents left, but I'm glad I get to be with Rosalinda. She's so beautiful and her voice is like tinkering bells. Her sister doesn't seem to care for the rules, but she makes a point to follow them. She takes good care of the doll and I'm glad she's here.

Time skip

Rosalinda's POV

I left my room to take a shower, but, once I got back, Brahms was gone. "Hey Greta, where's Brahms?" I asked, once I was in her room. "I put him in his room." She answered and I left.

I walk to his room and take him from the chair. "Okay, Brahms, time for bed." I change him into his pajamas and put him in bed, before kneeling beside his bed. I said the same pray his parents did the other night.

"God bless Mommy. God bless Daddy. God bless Greta. God bless Rosalinda. God bless me." I said, then kiss his forehead.

"You were so good today, Brahms, no messes at all. I know my sister wasn't exactly nice today, but I'm glad you behaved. She'll be better at this soon, don't worry, but until then, you have me. You'll always have me." I said to him.

I stroked his hair, before leaving and turning off the light. "Good night, Brahms." I say, then closed the door.

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