Cole is Here

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When we got there saw someone I never wanted to see again. "Cole." My sister said.

"Who's Malcolm? I was gonna write you a letter, but you know me. I've never been one for writing. Is this the little fella? What's his name?" He asks.

"Brahms." My sister answered, then he looked at me. "Good to see you again, Rosey." He greets.

"Don't call me that." He trys to look at Brahms, but I move and he still got a look. "Uh. This is a joke right? A real boy's just going to come running out any second now." He says.

"There isn't a little boy. They.." I cut my sister off. "He doesn't like strangers so leave." I order.

"They paid me to look after a doll." My sister says and I go to sit down with Brahms. "Your serious? Well, that makes things a hell of a lot simpler. The whole way here I was trying to figure out how I was gonna convince you to come home and how'd we deal with the boy, but now this shit?" Cole says.

"You don't know him." I said looking at Brahms. "Like you know a doll." He says, looking at me.

"I hate you." I said and rush upstairs. Once we're in my room, I place him on the bed, then kneel in front of him.

"What should I do, Brahms? I don't want my sister to leave. If she leaves, then that means I have to leave to and you can't come with. Please help me or do something." I beg him as I cry.

Time skip

Malcolm came over and met Cole. I sat with Brahms in a chair and my sister brought Cole some blankets. "I'm going to sleep. Brahms, you want to sleep in my room tonight? Okay."

I rush upstairs and place Brahms in my bed, after I got him dressed. I lied down beside him in my bed. I heard footsteps and saw Brahms. "Please help, I don't want to leave you, but I promised my sister I'd always be by her side." I beg and soon went to sleep.

Time skip

I woke up to hear screaming. I saw Brahms was gone and rushed downstairs. "Greta, it was either you or Rosalinda." I heard Cole say and saw Brahms.

"Brahms what?" I ask and rush over to pick him up. "So it was you, Rosalinda?" I shook my head. "So the doll?"

I nodded. "Give me the doll." As soon as he says that, I run. "Rosalinda!" I heard them call, but I didn't stop.

He caught up with me and ripped Brahms from my arms. "Give him back!" I yell and Malcolm comes in. "What did Brahms do?" He asked.

"What's so special about this thing?" Cole asks. "I love him that's what!" I shout. "Hand him over!"

"You love a doll? You were always the weird one." He says and starts swinging him around, then smashing his head. "No! Brahms!"

I shove Cole out of the way. I pick up the pieces and start crying, as I held them to my chest. "Brahms!" I shout out, knowing that he would hear me.

Brahms' POV

I was sitting in my room inside the walls, thinking of how I can keep Rosalinda with me. "Brahms!" Once I heard the shout, I ran to where it came from to see the doll smashed and my beloved crying, while holding the pieces. It made me angry as I saw her tears.

Rosalinda's POV

My sister comes over and hugs me then we hear noises from the walls. Cole goes over to the mirror that soon breaks. Greta rushes over and I stand up. "Rose?" I gasp happily and the others look towards the mirror.

"Rose?" Then he comes out of the mirror. "Its Brahms." Malcolm says.

"It can't be." My sister says and I run into Brahms' arms. He holds me tightly as I cry. "She was right." Malcolm said and once we separated he looked at Cole.

Brahms' POV

Once I stepped out of the mirror, my beloved rushed into my arms and I held her tightly as she cried. Seeing her tears only increased my anger, as I looked at the one responsible once we separated.

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