Chapter 2

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Chapter Two:

"No. I refuse." I stubbornly told my father, whom was currently starting to lose his patience with my defiance.

Waking up this morning had been a struggle. I stayed out late last night running, so I only managed a meager three hours of sleep. I had dressed nicely, wanting to make a good impression. My curls were smooth, not frizzy like they normally were and my body was adorned in one of my favorite dresses, an emerald green number that matched my eyes with a thick black cardigan.  

"Do you always have to be so difficult?" Dad finally snapped, sending a glare my way.

We had been arguing back and forth for about fifteen minutes now. He had informed me when I came downstairs this morning that we would be going to the airport at noon. That led me to promptly inform him that I would not be taking a plane.

There were two reasons for my refusal. One being that I was terrified of planes. I had only been on one three times, and every time it scared the shit out of me. Now, I would only travel by car, or I wouldn't travel at all. The second reason being, that if I was going to be stuck at the King's castle for at least two months, I wanted to have an easy escape route. I wanted to have either mine or my brothers vehicle there so if I needed to go anywhere, I could. I didn't want to depend on anyone there for anything except a place to stay.

"Who do you think I get it from, Father? Sure as hell ain't Mom."

He growled at that.

"That's true, hun." Mom added, walking into the living room with us.

Dad glared at her, but he didn't dare growl at her like he did me. She may have been the more submissive of the two, but she still expected respect from Dad. He knew better than to piss her off. It was a rare occasion to see her angry, but when it happened, you'd better run. She had only ever been truly angry with me once, and it was more than enough for this lifetime.

"Must you two gang up on me?" He sounded exasperated and I had to repress a smile.

"Only when you're being unreasonable, Jeff. Kendall is willing to go and help, even though she doesn't want to. All she's asking is that they drive there instead of fly." Mom jumped to me defense. I shot her a small, appreciative smile. She returned it, then turned her attention back to my Dad. I could tell he was wavering slightly.

Both of their eyes glazed over and I knew they were mind linking each other. This continued for a minute, Dad's face showing a wide variety of expressions. At first he looked frustrated, angry. Then he looked surprised, then disgustingly lustful at Mom, who had a small teasing smile on her lips. I absolutely did not want to hear what they were saying. Finally he sighed and looked accepting.

"Fine, you'll take Matt's Tahoe. Your car is too small for all the luggage." He said when he finally looked back at me, the glazed over look leaving his eyes.

"Thank you, Daddy." I told him happily, running up to him and throwing my arms around him tightly. He lost his annoyance and hugged me back tightly, kissing the top of my head.

"You're welcome, sweetheart."

I pulled away, looking at him with a grin on my face. I turned to Mom and pulled her in for a hug as well.

"Thanks, Mom." I whispered to her, even though I knew Dad could still hear.

"No problem. I'm gonna miss you so much, Kenny. I can't believe my baby is leaving me." Tears gathered in her eyes and my smile wavered. Mom was a bit of a crier and it always made me nervous. I wasn't good in situations like these.

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