Chapter 9

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Chapter nine:

"Be safe. Call if you need anything." Matt told Kat for the hundredth time this morning.

She nodded and wrapped her arms around him tightly. He immediately returned the gesture and kissed her forehead, then her lips. I withheld a gag and turned away.

Soon, they released each other and he turned his attention to me.

"Watch after her for me, little sis. I'll keep my mind-link open in case anything happens. Be careful and please, stay out of trouble."

"You worry too much. Nothing's gonna happen." I mumbled as he pulled me into a hug. I rolled my eyes, but briefly hugged him back before pushing him away. He chuckled slightly.

"You can't be too careful, Kenny." 

I shot him one last glare at the nickname and slid into the car. We were riding in style today. Apparently royalty got fancy limos.

The outside was a shiny black, while the inside was decked out in stark white leather. There were two seats towards the front, which were facing the back. Niki and Emiliya were already seated in them. At the back, there was a long bench seat for three. Lili was on one side and I was in the middle. Kat slid in after me, after hugging Matt once more.

There was a table in between us, which was covered in fancy snacks. There were mini-fridges on either side of the center. The doors were glass, and inside I could see water, champagne, and orange juice. Behind Niki and Emiliya, there was a small TV situated between their seats. A large sound system also seemed to be hooked up back here. No music was playing though, instead awkward silence was filling the car.

We all buckled in and the driver, whom I hadn't seen, started driving away. The windows were incredibly dark, but I could see that we were taking the back way out, going through town. I had no doubt that no one would be able to see inside the vehicle, even with werewolf vision. The windows were that dark.

"So how far is it again?" I asked no one in particular.

Niki was the one to answer. "Our destination is approximately three hours away." Her voice held no animosity. Ever since I blew up at her two days ago, it had been like it never happened. We hadn't had the chance to discuss it in private, but she didn't seem upset with me at all. My anger at her had faded as well. Had she not caught me at such a low point, I probably wouldn't have been mad at her in the first place.

Speaking of my low point, I had yet to see King Finnian again. I had spent all day Saturday watching movies with Kat and pigging out on junk food. Matt had been pissed at me. He was supposed to spend the day with her, but she ditched him to hang out with me instead. Had he known the truth, he wouldn't have been mad, but we didn't tell him. Instead, we stuck to every girls excuse when they wanted a man to leave them alone; it was that time of the month and I was hormonal. No questions were asked after that.

I didn't get lucky enough to get Kat two days in a row. Matt had stolen her on Sunday. I still stayed in my room all day, but instead spent the day with Dalton. He wasn't the best company in the world, but our bickering had successfully distracted me.

I had only left my room the last couple of days for food. I didn't eat dinner with everyone else. I only got junk food from our kitchen. I hadn't had real food since our outing Friday night, so I was basically all ice cream and Cheetos by this point.

Having not left my room, I hadn't had much chance to run into my mate. He hadn't shown up in my room either. I guess deep down, I had kind of hoped he would. It hurt that he hadn't, especially with how we ended things, but I guess it kind of cemented what he had already told me and what I already knew. He didn't want me.

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