Chapter 18

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Chapter Eighteen:

It was Thursday before I got back to training.  I had spent Tuesday and Wednesday helping Selena get settled and familiar with the castle.  She hadn't just wanted to hang up her clothes in Tyler's room.  No, she wanted to make it her room as well and add some personal touches.

I found out that the Royal floor was different from the guest floors.  Instead of rooms, they had suites.  They had a living room with a kitchenette and a breakfast nook.  Off of that, was the bedroom, which contained the bathroom.  Tyler's suite in particular had one bedroom, but some suites had multiple bedrooms, depending on if they had children.  

We had spent the day hanging up family pictures and changing a few other things.  Selena didn't really appreciate Tyler's decorating skills, or lack thereof.   She changed everything from the sheets on the bed to the curtains hanging from the windows.  Tyler didn't seem to mind the changes; in fact, he seemed to be happy that she was making herself at home.  I could tell Tyler already adored her.  

It took a long time to get her settled, but I didn't mind.  I was glad to get to spend some quality time with her.  We caught up on everything that had happened with each other for the last few weeks.  We even had a game night with Matt, Dalton, Kat, Tyler, and Lili. 

Now, it was Thursday morning and I was ready to get back to training after nearly a week off.  Selena agreed to go with me, so we were traipsing through the woods in wolf form, heading towards the training field. 

Once we were close, I whined, letting Selena know to stop.  We both shifted back and put our clothes back on, which we had been carrying in our mouths.  We walked the last half mile or so, arguing playfully along the way.

After a while, we finally broke through the tree line, our vision filled with wolves training and watching.  I bypassed all of them and walked over to the edge of the field where Nathan was waiting and stretching out on the blue mat. 

"Well, well.  Look who finally decided to grace us with her presence.  I was wondering when your lazy ass would come back."  Nathan chuckled, his orange hair practically glowing in the sunlight.

"I learned a new fact while I was gone, Red."  I smirked at him and dropped down to start stretching as well.  "Do you want to hear it?"

"I'd say no, but I know you wouldn't listen.  So go ahead, enlighten me."

"Gingers earn a freckle for every soul they steal.  You must have set some kind of record."  Selena grinned at my words and dropped down next to me.

His freckled face pulled up into a grin, his eyes crinkling in the corners.  "That's a new one, I must admit.  Better be careful though, I might just steal yours next."

"You'd have to actually beat me first.  By the way, this is my sister Selena.  She's Tyler's mate."  I hooked my thumb over towards my sister.

"Nice to meet you, Royal Gamma Female."  He held his hand out for her to shake and bowed his head slightly.

"Oh, just call me Selena."  She seemed surprised at the title as she shook his hand. 


"How come you're so nice and polite to her?  When I first met you, you put me in a headlock and told me to try and get away."  I asked incredulously.

He grinned widely.  "In my defense, it was a part of your training."

"She's here to train too."

"Maybe I just like her better."  He shrugged.

"I am the more likeable sister."  Selena agreed.

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