Chapter 10

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Chapter Ten:

The first time I was pulled from under the darkness, it didn't last long.

The first thing I saw was Kat, my head in her lap. Her eyes were closed and her mouth speaking a foreign language. She was chanting.

Soon after my eyelids pried open, her dark green eyes met mine. She smiled weakly at me and told me it was going to be okay. That she was healing me.

Once I let my eyes drift away from hers, I recognized the familiarity of the limousine. I was laid across the back seat, my legs draped across Lili's vacant seat. I had wanted to ask where she was, but I couldn't talk.

Niki and Emiliya were sitting across from us, both witches on their phone. Niki glanced at me and gave me a reassuring look. Emiliya didn't spare me a glance.

My head was pounding and my face ached and throbbed. My sweater clung to me and was still damp with blood. I wanted to peel it off, but if I couldn't talk, I sure couldn't move.

When I looked back at Kat, she must have seen the pain and fear on my face. She automatically reassured me.

"You're gonna be okay, Kendall. I promise. I'm healing you. Your head was almost completely bashed in. It's taking me a while, but you'll be fine. I'm gonna put you back to sleep now, okay? It's easier to heal you when you're unconscious."

I wanted to nod, but since I couldn't move, I just laid still and let her work. Her hand, which had been running through my bloody, tangled curls, rested on my forehead. She closed her eyes again and started chanting. She was more effective than anesthesia, because I was out within seconds.

The second time I came to, I saw the face of my brother. He was carrying me through the castle, one of my arms thrown around his neck and the other was hanging limply. It felt heavy and I couldn't lift it if I tried. My head had been hanging backwards at an uncomfortable angle, and luckily I managed to roll it just enough to rest against his chest. I felt him press a chaste kiss on my forehead, which was soon replaced by a hand. It definitely wasn't his since he was carrying me.

Darkness greeted me once again.

That led me to the third and final time I woke up.

A groan of pain and discomfort escaped my lips before I could even pry my eyes open. My mouth was dry and felt like it was filled with cotton. My head ached with an intensity far greater than any I've ever felt before.

As I lifted my arm to massage my temples, I was grateful to realize that I had full control of my limbs once again.

I wanted to fall back to sleep, but my bladder screamed at me to get up. I groaned again and finally peeled my eyes open.

I was in my room in the castle. It was dark, no source of light, not even from the moon. From the window, I could tell it was the dead of night and dark clouds covered the moon and stars. It was quiet too. I couldn't hear anything, although that didn't say much because my senses seemed dulled.

I sat up slowly, letting myself adjust to the movements as a wave of dizziness swept over me. Once it passed, I swung my legs over the side of the bed. I was thankful that instead of my blood saturated clothes, I was now dressed in a t-shirt and shorts.

When I finally got my bearings, I made a move to stand up. Before I could though, a low growl vibrated the bed behind me, stopping me in my tracks.

What the hell?

I gulped, my back now ramrod straight. I took a deep breath and slowly turned around. I couldn't make out much, but I could see the outline of a wolf... a freaking huge wolf at that. Whoever it was, took up half of the king sized bed. How had I not noticed him before?

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