Chapter 7

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Chapter Seven:

"Hey, mom.  What's going on?"  I asked into my phone, holding it to my ear with my shoulder as I pulled my dark tan leather boots over my dark blue skinny jeans.

"Nothing much here.  Grandma and Grandpa said hi.  They were just over for dinner last night."

"Tell them I said hi back and that I love them."  I told her as I sat up straight and grabbed the phone in my right hand, switching it to my other ear.

"I will.  So how are you doing?"

"Pretty good, I guess.  I miss home, but I've made a couple friends here.  We're actually heading to town with them in a few minutes."

"That's great, honey.  I'm glad you like it better than you thought you would.  I know your dad really appreciates you going." 

"Yeah, well, whatever I can do to help."  I muttered, chewing on my bottom lip.

Part of me wanted to spill everything to her right now.  I wanted to tell her about meeting my mate and how he didn't want me.  She was my mom; I knew she would understand.  But I couldn't bring myself to utter the words.  Shame and embarrassment sat in the pit of my stomach, tying it in knots.  Obviously something was wrong with me.  I didn't want to hear the disappointment in her voice when I told her.  I couldn't handle that too.  Not from my mom.  Not from anyone in my family.

"So, have you met anyone?  Your mate maybe?"  She sounded excited.

Ouch.  It's like she read my thoughts.

"No, mom."  I sighed heavily, the lie easily tumbling from my lips.

"Oh..."  She trailed off.  "Well that's okay.  You'll meet him eventually.  When the time's right."

I couldn't take her cheerful optimism anymore.  "Is dad around?"

"Sure, sweetheart.  Let me get him."  She paused for a few seconds, probably finding dad.  "He's right here.  I love you.  Talk soon, okay?"

"Yeah, sure.  Love you too."

"Hey, Kenny.  How is everything?"  Dad's deep voice echoed through the phone after I told mom goodbye.

"Everything is good.  And don't call me that."  I warned, not that it would do any good.  They'd never stop.

He ignored my last comment, like expected.  "Matt told me you were interviewed yesterday?  How did that go?"

Ugh.  Maybe I should have asked for Selena instead.  I didn't want to think about that interview, although it was burned in my mind.  I hadn't seen King Finnian ever since.  I had been in Tyler's office all morning and into the early afternoon.  He hadn't even made a brief appearance in his public office.  I desperately, which was pathetic, wanted to know where he was, but I didn't dare ask.  I didn't want Tyler asking questions.

I thought about Niki's comments at dinner last night.  She made it seem like he would go, but I knew he wouldn't.  Tyler hadn't mentioned him going and I knew if he was going he would have.  I shook the thought of him away and focused on my dad.

"Kendall?  Did everything go okay?"  He asked worriedly when I took too long to answer.

"It went fine, Dad.  He was just asking questions about the pack.  Nothing special really.  Mostly about finances and about our family." 

"And what did you tell the Royal Gamma?"

"Royal Gamma?  Tyler didn't interview me.  And I just told him the truth." 

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