Chapter 20

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Chapter Twenty:

I had hoped that Selena and Kat would still be asleep by the time I got back, so I wouldn't have to explain my absence, but I guess my luck had run out.

Selena was pacing in front of the bed, but stopped when I walked in.  Kat was perched on the side of the bed.  She'd been speaking to Selena, but had trailed off when I entered.

"Where'd you go?  I woke up hours ago and you were just gone."  Selena demanded angrily.

"Are you serious?  You always sleep until at least lunchtime, but the one time I needed you to stay asleep, you wake up early?  Really?"  I deadpanned.

She gave me a dry look.  "You can't just disappear like that after what we saw last night."  She hissed in annoyance.

I deflated.  "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you guys.  I just needed to talk to him."  I admitted.

"Oh.  What happened?"  Selena's face softened.

"There's really no details to give.  Everything is still exactly the same.  He still doesn't want to try and make things work."

"I'm sorry, Kendall."  Kat told me sympathetically.

"It's fine."  I shrugged.  "I'm used to it.  It's disappointing, but I'll get over it."

"I mean, it's kind of understandable now, right?"  Selena added.

"I understand it completely.  But I don't agree with it.  He's being a coward."  I crossed my arms, somewhat defensively.

"He doesn't want to lose you.  I'd probably do the same with Tyler if I was in his position."

"Well then you're a coward too."  I stated, my tone harsh.

"So you consider wanting to protect your mate cowardly?"  She stood up from the bed and mimicked my stance, stopping a few feet in front of me.

"If you refuse to be with your mate because you're scared?  Yes."

"I don't think you really understand, Kendall.  You died.  And based on that vision, you died young.  He's trying to protect you from that.  Give him a break."

I barked a sarcastic laugh.  "That's great coming from you, really.  You want me to give him a break?  You, of all people?  Didn't you just tell him the other day to drown in his river of tears?"

"That was before I knew the whole story."  She snapped.

"I thought you were supposed to be on my side?" 

"I am on your side.  As annoying as you are, I'm always on your side.  But you're being too harsh on him."

"How about you don't talk to me like you know what I'm going through.  Your mate adores you.  When he doesn't and he wants nothing to do with you, then you can come talk to me about this."

"Why are you so damn stubborn?"  She threw her hands up in exasperation.

"Okay, okay.  Why don't we all just take a breath and calm down."  Kat instructed, coming to stand between us.

We both continued to glare at each other, but we did as she said nonetheless.

"Okay, good.  Now you two need to stop fighting with each other.  There's no point in it.  Selena, she's right.  You don't know how she feels and you should be happy about that.  If being pissed off at King Finnian helps her, then by all means, let her be pissed."  I smirked at Selena, but it dropped when Kat turned her attention to me.  "And Kendall, don't get so defensive.  Selena loves you and just wants the best for you.  You need to keep that in mind."

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