Chapter 14

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Chapter Fourteen:

The drive home didn't take nearly as long as I thought it would.  My hate filled thoughts occupied my time and made it seem to pass quickly.  My thoughts only proved one thing; I had a slight anger problem and I could conjure up some pretty sadistic images when I was pissed.  I was a little ashamed to admit how gruesome my cognitive processes became when I was in such a rage.  I thought up at least a hundred different ways I wanted to torture King Finnian. 

It slightly worried me at first, but I soon just went with it.  I knew my fury was a cover for the heartbreak I was currently feeling.  Anger I could deal with.  Anger was easy, I had someone to blame; King Finnian.

If I let myself feel the pain and sorrow that I buried deep inside, I didn't know what I would do.  I'd have no one to blame but myself, since I was apparently the problem.  I couldn't face that yet, so I focused on my energy on hating him.

The music made it easier.  The first two hours of my drive were made in silence.  The only time any noise was emitted in the SUV was when another driver pissed me off and I screamed insults at them.  My insults had gotten very creative and a lot more frequent.

After my two hour silent stewing, I felt the need to blare the radio as loud as it could go.  Unfortunately I had left my phone behind, so I was stuck with nothing but the radio.  Fortunately, fate seemed on my side for once, because the songs that played seemed to fit my mood perfectly.  If some sappy love song started, as soon as I changed the station, a more appropriate song would come on.  It was nice to have angry songs the entire time that I could blare and scream along to.

The songs varied in genre. I listened to everything from I Hate Everything About You by Three Days Grace to Jar of Hearts by Christina Perry to The Kill by Thirty Seconds to Mars.

And, of course, Taylor Swift.  I found myself suddenly happy that every other one of her songs was an angry breakup song and that every station seemed to play her on a loop.  Bad Blood and I Knew You Were Trouble weren't quite as easy to sing spitefully as some rock music, but they worked nonetheless.

After three hours of none stop screaming angry lyrics, I finally reached the Keating Pack Territory.  I had yet to talk to any member of my family.  I felt Matt and Dalton pushing against my mental barriers, trying to mindlink with me, but I blocked them out.  Surprisingly enough, I hadn't heard from anyone else, letting me know that Matt hadn't called home to let them know I had left.  My only guess was that Kat had convinced him to let me be for a while, see what I did next before he got me in trouble with Dad.  I was extremely grateful to her.  I wasn't ready to deal with my parents or brothers.  Meaning my next move would have to be sneaky.

I pulled the car over on the territory line.  I waited for a few seconds for someone to greet me.  Humans would just drive right through, even though that didn't happen often since our little town was out of the way and away from any major roads.  But werewolves could sense the boundary line and would stop.  Dad had men doing rounds, so there was always at least five wolves hiding in the woods, guarding the road where our territory started.  Not to mention, the entire outer edge of the boundary line in case someone tried to come in through the forest instead of the road.

The car idled and I turned the radio down low, waiting for someone to come over.  I was keeping my fingers crossed that it was someone I knew, who wouldn't mindlink Brody that I was here.  I got lucky as I saw an old friend walk out of the woods, around the front of my car, and stop by my window. 

I rolled my window down, letting the fresh, cool air blow in.  It was considerably warmer here than the castle, but since twilight had set in, the air had a slight chill to it.  

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