Chapter 12

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Chapter Twelve:

"Watch the body language, Kendall.  The body language can give his next move away."  Harrison Trager, the Head of the Royal Army, instructed me.

I nodded and watched my sparring partner, Nathan's, movements.  I scrutinized him, trying to take in everything he did.  He had his fists raised and he bounced on the balls of his feet, waiting to strike.  When I saw him tighten his right fist and cock his shoulder back the slightest bit, I knew what was coming.  I ducked my head just as his fist came flying towards my jaw.  He hit nothing but air and I used his momentum against him.  With his shift in weight, I was able to push him forward.  Once I had him on the ground, I dug my knee into his back, twisted his arm around, and pushed his face into the mat.  I smiled victoriously once I had him pinned, but I spoke too soon.

Nathan managed to throw me backwards and pin me into the ground before I could even blink.  The air left my lungs briefly as my back was slammed against the mat.  Now it was his turn to smile smugly down at me.  He bent my arm at an awkward angle and dug his knee into my chest painfully.  I struggled for a few moments, but finally grudgingly submitted and tapped out.  He immediately released me, his knee leaving my chest made it easier to breathe.  As I sat up, I rubbed my throbbing shoulder and looked to Harrison, waiting for his feedback.

I had been training with Harrison for over a week now.  It had been one week since my chat with King Finnian.  I hadn't seen much of him, although he still came to my room while I was sleeping like a creeper.  I had fallen into a routine.  I would start my morning in Tyler's office, answering the phone.  After lunch, I would spend the afternoon training with Harrison.  I also made a friend out of Nathan, who had become my unofficial sparring partner.  Nathan was of Alpha blood.  He, like me, was the youngest of the Alpha children.  He decided to join the Royal Army instead of staying in his pack.  He was strong, an excellent warrior.  He was no doubt stronger and more skilled than me, but I had learned a lot between him and Harrison.

I was lucky to be training with two amazing warriors.  Most of the Royal Army trained under lower ranked warriors, whom in turn trained under Harrison.  The Royal Army was huge, so it would be impossible for him to train everyone individually.  I was the exception.  Since I was labeled as King Finnian's guest, it got me certain benefits, such as training with the best.  Harrison had been taking the time to teach me in ways even my father hadn't.  Although he wasn't of Alpha blood, it didn't matter.  He was the biggest badass I'd ever met, even for an old guy.  He wasn't really all that old, about the werewolf equivalent of middle age, but I still liked messing with him about it.

Nathan on the other hand was fairly young.  He was about fifty, which to a werewolf was equal to the early twenties.  He had bright red hair and freckles covering his pale skin.  He had a baby face, which I thought was the perfect disguise.  He looked sweet and innocent, but could secretly kill you at least one hundred different ways using nothing but his hands.  He was tall and muscular and was ranked as the Second in Command of the Royal Army.  It was quite the accomplishment for his age.

"You didn't twist his arm hard enough.  He was able to break out of your hold.  You got too smug and loosened your grip.  You never let up until the enemy is dead, or in this case, they tap out."  Harrison explained.  I groaned, but nodded nonetheless.

Nathan held his hand out for me, which I accepted gratefully, and hoisted me to my feet.  We both got in fighting position once again.  I continued to carefully observe his body language, waiting for him to give away his next move.  I never attacked first.  I always waited for him to make the first move and go from there.  Harrison taught me not to become complacent on doing that, for the simple matter that in a real life situation, you might have to attack first.  But for now, he was allowing it.

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