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I feel like I should mention a few of my family's experiences. They've experienced things too, so I'm going to mention theirs as well, as told by them.


My aunt has had a few experiences herself. One, I was on a phone call with her as it was happening.

My aunt had a black labrador retriever, whose name was Hunter. She lived for a long time, but came to old age. A week before she died, my aunt was given another black lab named Comet, from my Uncle's brother, who lives somewhere in the same state as me (my aunt and uncle live in a different state).

They renamed her Gemma, since they thought Comet didn't suit their new puppy.

When they had buried Hunter, they put a stone which had "H" for Hunter on it, above her bones. She was buried near her favorite spot in their yard.

Gemma would often times try to dig Hunter up. I'm not saying that's the paranormal occurrence, since dogs do like bones and do have a good sense of smell.

That was just for backstory. Now here's the paranormal part.

I was on the phone with my aunt and it was late at night. She was home alone because my uncle often goes away on business trips. Whenever he's home, nothing happens. When he isn't, however, things do.

One time my aunt heard barking outside, so she went to go check on Gemma. She saw a black figure along the gate running back and forth. She called for Gemma, but Gemma was right beside her. The running continued for a long time, during our phone call.



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