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May 26, 2017

Seeing as nothing much has happened in the past month, I figured I'd write about this, as it's recent. It's interesting, but still something that happened to me.

I had an interesting dream.

In it, there was some sort of school setting. It was kind of like the one in the video game Obscure. It started off normal and went on for awhile.

Then, at some part toward the end of the school day, what looked to be all or most of the students at another school showed up. They were rioting and basically saying, "retreat or die."

Most of the students did retreat. Odd thing was, the same thing happened earlier in the previous dream-school day, but on a much smaller scale. At that one, I decided to stick around figuring it was kinda like Obscure and that I knew everything as to how to make it out. It did turn out like the game that time.

At this one, I just followed a friend that I'd made and we ended up at some run-down classroom. I was still wanting to just fight, figuring I had more of a chance because I played the game. Although, the game has to do with monsters and experiments, not rioting school students.

I remember, in the dream, talking about how I'd left my phone somewhere outside, but how I wasn't going out to get it. Then I remember thinking that it was probably stolen and that it was just my "spirit phone" and that I would still have the phone in the "physical world." So somehow I had figured out that I was dreaming.

So eventually the room was crowded with other students. One of the student-hostage-takers came in with some sort of pump-action shotgun, which was in the game, just telling us to stay put while the fight goes on outside.

I pieced together pretty quickly that it was a dream and not real, as demonstrated with the whole phone thing. At some point, I kept telling myself to wake up. Part of me wanted to stay and see how it ended.

So it became tug-a-war between those two options. I could actually feel the tug-a-war between both sides.

The wake up part was winning and as I was waking up, I got sucked back into the dream by the stay here part. Then the part that wanted to wake up fought again and I woke up.

I remember thinking, in the dream, what would happen if I did die in the dream. I think throughout the second half of the dream, I kept referring to objects I had and even myself as just a soul or a spirit and that the soul of myself didn't want to wake up. Then I kept thinking about the physical world, like the game or the fact that I'd still have my phone in the physical world.

And when I had woken up, I still felt like something was missing.

So this is as close as it's gotten for now to a paranormal experience.

My Paranormal LifeOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora