126 9 3

February 27, 2017

I just remembered something paranormal that happened long before I was born.

My grandpa had a little sister, who died really young. She was somewhere around 3 months old, or maybe 3 years old (can't really remember which one).

Now, obviously she was alive in the time of black and white photographs.

This was after she died. His mom, I think it was, took a photograph of their couch. My mom has this picture, but I'm not sure where. Maybe if I later can get it, I'll put it on here.

The photograph shows a little kid (3m or 3y), on the couch. They recognized her as Ada (his sister who died). She wasn't on the couch when they took the photo, but on the photo, she looked as if she were actually there,not transparent at all and it wasn't a camera malfunction.

Even more on Ada, my mom has these dreams sometimes, with Ada in it. She gives her advice sometimes, tells her the future, things like that. She told my mom that my aunt may have a kid and then told her to tell my aunt to name the kid Fiona something. Nothing's happened yet, but it may.

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