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April 29, 2017

So we've been kinda busy packing and moving and such, but a couple of things have happened already.

1. One day, we went to move a couple of things over to the new place. I was holding/protecting our monkey statue (which has been previously mentioned in another experience). So, as I was walking outside toward the door, I had gotten a bad feeling from the monkey. That monkey, we've had for a long time — before I was born. It's survived every move. Anyway, I got a really dark feeling from it.

I happened to look past the metal fence, which had space between each fence piece. Next to a tree, I saw a huge shadow. It had the shape of, say, some sort of big monkey (maybe a gorilla or some monkey type of that sort) with red glowing eyes.

2. Since then, on the outside of the new place, I saw a really tall (must be at least 7 feet tall, probably more) shadow figure standing next to the building corner once.

3. Today, my mom and I were at the new place alone for part of the day. At that part, I had heard people talking — two guys. I couldn't really hear what they were talking about. It was only my mom and I. Then, later when it was still just us, I heard it again, but this time my mom heard it too.

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